Laren Joma

Laren Joma was a human U-wing pilot for the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Flying as Blue Eleven in Blue Squadron, she often transported troops with the Iakaru Bistan as her door gunner, nicknaming him "space monkey" and tolerating his exuberance due to his unerring aim. In 1 BBY, she was scrambled along with the rest of her squadron to aid rebels trying to steal the plans for the Death Star superweapon on the planet Scarif.

Once in the Scarif system, Joma and her co-pilot, Taslet Colb, flew their U-wing through the world's Shield Gate and then worked with the rest of Blue Squadron to neutralize a group of All Terrain Armored Cargo Transports attacking the rebels on the ground. Joma and Colb then delivered the ground reinforcements that the U-wing was carrying before perishing when the starship was shot down by TIE strikers.

Scramble for Scarif

Laren Joma flew a U-wing in Blue Squadron at the Battle of Scarif.

Laren Joma flew a U-wing in Blue Squadron at the Battle of Scarif.

Laren Joma was a human Warrant Officer in the Alliance to Restore the Republic who flew a UT-60D U-wing starfighter/support craft as Blue Eleven as part of the Alliance's mixed-vessel Blue Squadron, often transporting troops with the Iakaru Bistan as her door gunner. The squadron was stationed as part of the Massassi Group in the rebel's Great Temple base on the moon Yavin 4 and in 1 BBY was partially mobilized for a mission to attack an Imperial facility on the planet Eadu.

Shortly after the survivors from the mission returned, the Rebel Council that led the Alliance rejected calls to attack another Imperial facility on the planet Scarif in order to try and steal the plans for the Galactic Empire's Death Star superweapon. Despite this decision, a group of rebels went rogue and traveled to Scarif to steal the plans anyway. When Imperial transmissions concerning this attack reached Yavin 4, the Alliance fleet was scrambled under the command of Admiral Raddus to support the rebels on Scarif. Blue Squadron was fully mobilized for the first time for the mission, with Joma piloting a U-Wing with Lieutenant Taslet Colb as her co-pilot and Bistan on the door turret. Tasked with transporting rebel ground reinforcements, including Private Talwer, Corporal Walea Timker, and Corporal Rodma Maddel, to deploy on Scarif, Joma piloted the craft through hyperspace alongside the rest of the fleet to reach the Scarif system.

Walker wipeout

Joma and Blue Squadron destroyed Imperial walkers on Scarif.

Joma and Blue Squadron destroyed Imperial walkers on Scarif.

Once they were in the system, Raddus ordered Blue Squadron to head for Scarif's surface, which required them to pass through the Empire's planetary shield using a Shield Gate. Following Blue Leader Antoc Merrick, Joma and the rest of the squadron then raced for the gate as the Empire began to close it. Both Merrick and Joma made it through the gate before it closed, although hers was the only U-wing to do so; other members of the squadron crashed into the barrier or were forced to split off and join the fighting outside the shield.

Inside, those who had made it through formed up on Merrick and located the rebel forces on the surface, who were under attack from a group of All Terrain Armored Cargo Transports. After Merrick destroyed one of the walkers in a pass, the squadron circled back around and Joma split off to circle another walker and bring the U-Wing into a position where Bistan could open fire on one of the walker's leg joints. The Iakaru succeeded in destroying the joint, bringing down the whole vehicle as Joma joined back up with the squadron.

Last landing

Joma perished on Scarif when her U-wing was shot down.

Joma perished on Scarif when her U-wing was shot down.

With the walker threat neutralized, Merrick ordered Joma to drop off her reinforcements while he and the other starfighter pilots provided air cover. Joma hovered her craft low over one of Scarif's beaches in front of the rebel forces already fighting there. With a cheer, the troopers on board exited the craft and joined their comrades before Joma took off again and re-joined the rest of Blue Squadron.

As the battle raged on, the squadron became more separated, with TIE strikers shooting down Merrick and other fighters. Four strikers then rushed head on at Joma's craft, with one shooting out the ventral port engine. As the U-wing hurtled toward the ground, Joma turned and shouted a warning to Bistan and the rest of her crew, but the gunner, the pilot, and Colb were all killed when the vessel exploded upon impact. Despite their heavy loses, the rebels managed to successfully recover the Death Star plans from Scarif and escape with them.

Personality and traits

Laren Joma had a stern nature that was reflected in her physical appearance. However, she was also an even-keeled individual who was happy in the company of others as long as they were professional, even if they differed greatly from her.

Laren Joma was a stern-looking pilot but showed remarkable composure.

Laren Joma was a stern-looking pilot but showed remarkable composure.

For this reason, she tolerated the youthful exuberance of Bistan—who she jokingly nicknamed "space monkey"—due to the Iakaru's unerring aim. While acting as his "delivery driver," she flew with a steady hand in order to aid the Iakaru's aim and keep those on board her vessel alive. Cool-headed and generally unflappable, she showed remarkable composure under the most difficult of circumstances. Joma had light skin, brown hair, and brown eyes.

Skills and abilities

Joma had above-average intelligence with average speed and fighting abilities. Her strength and diplomatic skills were slightly below average, and she was not Force-sensitive.


While piloting a U-wing, Joma wore a blue flight suit with a white flak vest, a white flight harness, white gloves, and black boots. Her flight helmet had red sides and a black central strip that was decorated with a red starbird at its front. She also used a high-atmosphere specialist life support pack instead of the standard Novaldex Diagnostech life support unit, as U-wings were often required to open their side doors at high altitudes in order to deploy troops or allow their door gunner to fire.

Behind the scenes

Laren Joma (right) was illustrated on the wrong side of the cockpit in Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide.

Laren Joma (right) was illustrated on the wrong side of the cockpit in Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide.

Laren Joma first appeared in the Anthology Series film Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, which was released on December 16, 2016. Prior to the release of the film, footage of Joma's U-wing in action was first revealed in the Story Trailer for Rogue One released on August 11, 2016. The character was first identified in the reference book Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide, which was written by Pablo Hidalgo and released on the same day as the film. In the guide, an illustration of Joma's U-wing during the Battle of Scarif by Kemp Remillard erroneously shows her in the port seat and Colb in the starboard, whereas in the film she is depicted in the starboard seat. This error was reprinted in the 2020 reference book Star Wars Complete Vehicles, New Edition.









