Walea Timker

Walea Timker was a human female. She held the rank of corporal and functioned as a combat engineer within the ranks of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Her base of operations was situated in the Great Temple located on the moon of Yavin 4. During the year 1 BBY, General Davits Draven put her name forward to Mon Mothma, the leader of the Alliance, suggesting her as a possible member of a strike force. This force was intended to conduct a raid on the stronghold of partisan Saw Gerrera, which was located on the moon Jedha. However, this raid was ultimately called off because the criminal Jyn Erso successfully established contact with Gerrera on behalf of the Alliance.

Erso later spearheaded an unauthorized mission to the planet Scarif. The objective was to acquire the plans for the Galactic Empire's Death Star superweapon. Following this, Timker volunteered to join the rebel forces that journeyed to the Scarif system to provide assistance to Erso and her team. Timker's transport to Scarif was aboard a UT-60D U-wing starfighter/support craft belonging to Blue Squadron. This craft deposited the combat engineer on one of the planet's beaches. Timker died in the course of the assault against the Imperial forces. However, her sacrifice proved crucial, providing Erso with the necessary time to successfully secure the plans.


Strike team potential

Davits Draven recommended Walea Timker as part of a potential Jedha strike team.

Walea Timker, a human female, was a member of the Special Forces within the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Her area of expertise as a combat engineer was in locating, creating, and improving temporary defenses on the field of battle during military actions. As a member of the Massassi Group of rebels, her home base was the Great Temple on the moon Yavin 4. By 1 BBY, she had achieved the rank of corporal.

During that year, the Alliance dispatched the criminal Jyn Erso to connect with partisan leader Saw Gerrera at his stronghold on Jedha. The goal was to learn the location of her father, Imperial scientist Galen Erso, from [Bodhi Rook](/article/bodhi_rook], an Imperial defector held prisoner by Gerrera. In case Jyn failed, General Davits Draven of Alliance Intelligence compiled a list of eleven rebel [soldiers](/article/soldier], including Timker. These soldiers were to form the core of a rapid response strike team for a raid on Gerrera's fortress. He sent the soldiers' bios to Mon Mothma, the leader of the Alliance, as an intelligence update about the team, though Mothma had previously reviewed all of the bios.

Unsanctioned volunteer

Ultimately, the team was not needed. Jyn successfully contacted Gerrera and located her father, discovering a weakness that could be exploited to destroy the Empire's Death Star superweapon, assuming the plans for the battle station could be obtained. Jyn returned to Yavin with this information and proposed that the Alliance attack the Imperial facility on the planet [Scarif](/article/scarif], where the Death Star plans were stored. However, the Alliance's leadership rejected the idea. Determined to acquire the plans regardless, Jyn assembled a group of rebel volunteers for an unauthorized mission to Scarif. As agent Cassian Andor and she prepared to leave, Timker dashed past them in one of the Great Temple's hangars.

As soon as word of the mission and the conflict between Jyn's team and the Imperials on Scarif reached Yavin, the Alliance fleet mobilized and headed to the Scarif system to support them. Timker, along with the other two remaining candidates from Draven's list, Bistan and Rodma Maddel, volunteered to join the forces traveling to Scarif. Timker and Maddel became part of the ground reinforcements destined for the planet's surface to support Jyn and her team.

The trio then traveled to Scarif in the UT-60D U-wing starfighter/support craft piloted by Laren Joma and Taslet Colb of Blue Squadron. Upon arrival in the Scarif system, Blue Squadron immediately raced toward the planet's surface to pass through a closing Imperial Shield Gate, the only route through Scarif's planetary shield. The ship carrying Timker was the only U-wing to successfully navigate the gate before it closed, although several of the squadron's T-65 X-wing starfighters also reached the surface.

Fight them on the beaches

After the U-wing and X-wings that got through destroyed several Imperial All Terrain Armored Cargo Transports from the air, General Antoc Merrick, leader of Blue Squadron, instructed Joma to drop Timker and the other reinforcements on a beach near Jyn's forces while the X-wings provided cover for the U-wing. Joma and Colb lowered the ship to hover just above the beach, allowing Timker and the other troops to disembark. As the passengers exited, some shouted a battle cry in remembrance of Jedha, which had sustained great damage from the Death Star's superlaser.

Although a relatively small reinforcement, Timker and her fellow arrivals gave a much-needed boost to those already fighting on Jedha, who had suffered losses. Given the wreckage caused by the rebels on Scarif before her arrival, Timker had a wide selection of structures to choose from for the fortifications she used to protect her comrades. Timker died during the assault against the Imperials, but her sacrifice was not in vain. She and the other rebels on the beaches bought enough time for Jyn and Andor to steal the Death Star plans and transmit them to the rebel fleet above. Shortly after, the Death Star fired upon Scarif, obliterating the area where Timker had fallen and killing everyone still there, including Andor and Jyn. The plans then enabled the Alliance to destroy the Death Star at the Battle of Yavin in 0 BBY.


Draven's communication to Mothma, in which he mentioned Timker, was included in The Rebel Files, a collection of rebel documentation. After the Resistance obtained these files in 34 ABY, Lieutenant Caluan Ematt, formerly a member of the Alliance, added a note praising Draven's choices and mentioning Timker's and the others' volunteering for Scarif.

Personality and traits

Timker was a highly skilled battlefield veteran, accustomed to facing unexpected challenges during military campaigns. She was inspired by the unsanctioned efforts of those who had gone to Scarif and was very happy to participate in the mission to Scarif, as it would lead to the destruction of the Death Star. Draven considered all of the candidates he selected for his potential strike team to be either fearless or foolish enough to rush into situations with long odds, but also believed they possessed enough awareness to survive longer than the first minute of the mission. The corporal had fair skin, brown hair, and gray eyes.


While stationed on Yavin, Timker wore a light brown jacket over a black shirt, paired with a dark brown scarf and black pants. She wore a brown utility belt with carriage loops and carried a black blaster.

Behind the scenes

Walea Timker was a character created for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, a 2016 Anthology Series film. Her identity was first established in Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide, a reference book written by Pablo Hidalgo.

