Rolund Tremaine

In 41 ABY, when Centerpoint Station was destroyed during the Second Galactic Civil War, Rolund and Rhondi felt a call through the Force that beckoned them back to the Maw. Following the call, the two found themselves at Sinkhole Station, a space station similar in appearance to Centerpoint that was home to the Mind Walkers, Force-sensitives that where able to completely separate their minds from their physical bodies and enter a realm known as beyond shadows.

In 43.5 ABY, exiled Jedi Grand Master Luke Skywalker and his son Ben arrived at the station during their search to discover why Jacen Solo fell to the dark side. While Luke traveled beyond shadows, Rolund and his sister stayed behind with Ben. After discovering that the Mind Walkers were removing Luke's hydration tube, Ben became convinced that Rolund and the other Mind Walkers were trying to kill him. Deciding to retrieve his father before he died while beyond shadows, Ben locked Rolund inside a room and secured a detonator on the door. He then demanded that Rhondi take him beyond shadows to see Luke. Fearing for her brother's safety, Rhondi complied.

While the Skywalkers were beyond shadows, a Sith strike team from Kesh arrived at Sinkhole Station with the intention of killing the two Skywalkers. Luke, Ben, and Rhondi returned from beyond shadows, but before Ben could free Rolund the invading Sith accidentally set off the detonator that Ben had placed on the door of the room in which Rolund was trapped.

Early life

Rolund Tremaine was born in the Maw on a colony established by Admiral Natasi Daala. At a young age, Tremaine and his sister, Rhondi, were disallowed from military service because of their Force-sensitivity, and the two siblings were instead employed as spies for the colony. The Tremaines were given a wide variety of assignments, including gathering information and stealing ships for the Maw Irregular Fleet, an armada created by Daala. Due to the success of Tremaine and the other espionage personnel, the colony was able to flourish.

The Tremaines served Daala for a decade until the middle of the Second Galactic Civil War. After the destruction of Centerpoint Station in 40 ABY, the Tremaines and other Force-sensitives serving in the Irregular Fleet began to experience strong longings to return to the Maw. The Tremaine siblings requested to leave the fleet, and when their appeal was denied they began to become paranoid. The paranoia eventually grew to the point that they believed entire war was just a plot to expose them. Many of the fleet's Force-sensitives, including the Tremaines, began to desert in masses, stealing ships in order to reach their destination. Rolund and his sister were led to Sinkhole Station, a small space station similar in appearance to Centerpoint which was home to a group of Force-sensitives called the Mind Walkers. The Tremaines joined the Mind Walkers and learned from them how to separate their minds from their physical bodies in order to enter a realm of the Force known as beyond shadows.

Aiding the Skywalkers

Two years after joining the Mind Walkers, Rolund encountered exiled Jedi Grand Master Luke Skywalker and his son, Ben, when they arrived at Sinkhole Station during their journey to discover why Jacen Solo had fallen to the dark side of the Force. Along with Seek Ryontarr and Feryl, the Tremaines were the first Mind Walkers with whom the Skywalkers spoke. Ryontarr and Feryl agreed to take Luke beyond shadows, and while Luke was there Tremaine and his sister often visited Ben in the Skywalkers' ship, the Jade Shadow. The siblings took food from the Shadows stores in hopes of starving Ben to make him go beyond shadows.

During one of their visits, Ben told the pair that Luke's hydration tube kept falling from his mouth. However, the Tremaines knew that in reality it was being removed by one of the Mind Walkers. Realizing this, Ben demanded to know the reason, and Rhondi explained that Luke did not need food while beyond shadows, as the Force would sustain him. This caused Ben to come to the conclusion that the Mind Walkers were trying to kill him and his father. He sealed Rolund inside a room along the outside of the station and secured a detonator on the door. He decided that he would need to go beyond shadows to get his father to come back, however, he was afraid that the Tremaines would allow him to die while traveling beyond shadows, as there was no way to accurately tell time while in the realm. To resolve this, Ben locked Rolund in a room on the outside of the station and secured a detonator on the door. He then demanded that Rhondi take him beyond shadows and shackled her to the floor with a pair of stun cuffs, so that if he died while beyond shadows she would be unable to save her brother. Fearing for her Rolund's life, Rhondi agreed.

After Rhondi and the Skywalkers returned from beyond shadows, a Sith strike team from the Lost Tribe of Sith on Kesh boarded the space station with the intent of killing the two Skywalkers. While the Skywalkers spoke with Rhondi, the invading Sith accidentally set off the detonator to the room in which Rolund was kept.

Behind the scenes

Rolund Tremaine was created by author Troy Denning for Fate of the Jedi: Abyss, the third novel in the nine-part Fate of the Jedi series.






