"Titan Three" was a human TIE fighter pilot in the Galactic Empire's Titan Squadron under the callsign Titan Three. During a New Republic strike on the Var-Shaa dockyard, this pilot was unable to retreat to the Star Destroyer Overseer due to New Republic pilots pursuing them, but was saved by Titan Leader Varko Grey. However, as Titan Three moved to return to the hangar, they were shot down and killed by a New Republic pilot.
The TIE fighter pilot designated Titan Three joined the Galactic Empire, serving in Titan Squadron under Titan Leader Varko Grey during the Galactic Civil War. Sometime following the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, Titan Squadron and the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Overseer defended the Imperial dockyard at the planet Var-Shaa, which fell under a surprise attack by the New Republic.
The Empire's attempt to defend the dockyard was in vain, as the space station was destroyed under New Republic fire. With the station lost, the squadron's commanding officer, Terisa Kerrill, ordered Grey to call for a retreat. As their squadron mates returned to the Overseer, Titan Three became pinned down by enemy starfighters. Despite Kerrill's insistence that the Overseer would depart, Grey turned back to assist Titan Three, destroying the RZ-1 A-wing interceptors pursuing them. Titan Three and Grey made for the Overseer, but a New Republic pilot shot down Titan Three's TIE/sa bomber, killing them. After the Battle of Var-Shaa, Titan Three's callsign was taken by a pilot transferred into the squadron by Kerrill.
This pilot flew a TIE/sa bomber during the New Republic strike on the Var-Shaa dockyard.
Titan Three appeared in the short "Hunted," created to promote the upcoming video game Star Wars: Squadrons and released on September 14, 2020. The Imperial player character in Star Wars: Squadrons takes on Titan Three's callsign.