Unidentified Dalnan governor

A Dalnan individual served as the governor of the Outer Rim planet Dalna during the High Republic Era and was a member of the world's government. According to the Dalnan Honesty Weft, the governor had experience of dealing with the Nihil pirates. In 232 BBY, after capturing two members of the Nihil on the moon Wevo, Weft sent a message to the Dalnan capital—the city Saludad—as he believed that because of the governor's experience with the Nihil, they could help him and a group of individuals with whom he had been stranded on the moon. In 230 BBY, the human female Sachary Jeffington was elected as president of Dalna.

The Dalnan governor was mentioned in the 2021 junior novel The High Republic: A Test of Courage, written by Justina Ireland and published as part of Phase I of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project.

Behind the scenes

The Dalnan governor was mentioned in the 2021 junior novel The High Republic: A Test of Courage, written by Justina Ireland and published as part of Phase I of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project.






