
Binogs were a type of species classified as amphi-mammalian, and they were native to the planet Bogano, which is situated in the Outer Rim Territories. During the time of the Republic Era, Jedi Master named Eno Cordova journeyed to this planet. There, he studied artistic representations of a binog, which had been crafted by the ancient Zeffonian civilization. Later, in 14 BBY, Cal Kestis, a Jedi Padawan, made his way to the planet, observed a binog, and took note of the various artistic depictions of the creature. Some years later, Luke Skywalker, a Jedi Knight, along with Princess Leia Organa of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, visited Bogano to scout for a location suitable for establishing a base, and they encountered multiple binogs during their time there.

Biology and appearance

Binogs, which were native to the planet Bogano found in the Outer Rim Territories, were reptilian amphi-mammalians. This classification indicates that they were a type of creature exhibiting characteristics of both amphibians and mammals. They possessed a remarkable lifespan, stretching to thousands of years, and they only breed once in their entire lifetime.

Binogs were characterized by a long, slender body, which aided them in navigating the various holes dotting Bogano's terrain. Their bodies were covered in brown fur, and they had black eyes. A series of light-blue fins ran along the back and long tail of the amphi-mammalian, culminating in a tail fin. Each of their six legs ended in short, webbed feet.


A binog's typical day consisted of mostly lying down and resting. When a Binog sensed danger, it would move to a different resting location.


The scarcity of offspring led to a decline in the binog population throughout the galaxy during the Republic Era. The ancient Zeffonian civilization, who had visited Bogano in the past, left behind various artistic representations of the creature. One such representation was a mural located in the Binog Mesa region of the planet, which shared its name with the binogs. Around 1014 BBY, a binog met its death near the Bogdo Sinkholes, and over time, its skeleton became embedded within the limestone structure of the planet. Eno Cordova, a Jedi Master, traveled to Bogano during this period, where he established a workshop and studied the technology developed by the Zeffo. Cordova also dedicated time to observing the local wildlife, including the binog. The Jedi Master studied the Zeffo depictions and formed a hypothesis that the creature played a significant role in the Zeffo's decision to construct a vault on the planet. Years later, in 14 BBY, Cal Kestis, a Jedi Padawan, embarked on a journey to Bogano as part of his quest to restore the Jedi Order. While in the Subterranean Refuge, as Kestis was recalling the force ability of wall running, a binog observed him from above.

While he was on Bogano, Kestis gathered Cordova's notes regarding the creature. The same binog that watched him earlier was encountered by Kestis in the Binog Mesa, and he instructed his droid BD-1 to scan it. He also came across a mural of a binog that was created by the Zeffo. After he found the fossilized binog, the Jedi instructed BD-1 to scan it.

A binog using its tail to whack away a stormtrooper who was about to kill Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa

Between the years of 0 ABY and 3 ABY, Luke Skywalker, a Jedi-in-training, and Princess Leia Organa embarked on a mission to Bogano with the goal of discovering a potential location for a rebel base. While they were on the planet, Organa cautioned Skywalker against approaching a nearby binog, expressing her fear of disturbing its sleep. Later, when they were ambushed by a group of stormtroopers, a binog intervened, saving them from a trooper who was about to open fire on them.

Behind the scenes

Amy Fry's concept art of the binog

The first appearance of binogs was in the 2019 video game titled Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, which was developed by Respawn Entertainment. A binog can be seen resting in the background on Bogano. After the Galactic Empire arrives on Bogano, the binog retreats further away from the mainland, but it eventually returns to its original position after the final mission is completed.

Amy Fry created the concept art for the creature. The binog skeleton was intentionally designed as an homage to the krayt dragon skeleton that was featured in the 1977 original trilogy film, Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. The skeleton was included to convey the idea that nature can still be dangerous, even without the influence of the dark side of the Force.

