The Binog Mesa, a grass-covered mesa located on the planet Bogano within the Outer Rim Territories, shares its designation with the amphi-mammalian binog species. Eno Cordova, a Jedi Master, explored this mesa, as did Cal Kestis, a Padawan on the run, several years later. Cordova came to the conclusion that the binog was the impetus for the Zeffonian species constructing their vault on Bogano after discovering a mural depicting a binog created by them. Kestis, while present on the mesa, found the same mural and observed a binog in the vicinity.

This grass-laden mesa, known as the Binog Mesa, is situated on the planet of Bogano in the Outer Rim Territories; its name is derived from the amphi-mammalian binog species. The Fractured Plain and the [Great Divide](/article/great_divide] border it. It features short white limestone and red clay cliffs, from which vegetation hangs off the sides and slopes between the flat grassy expanses. A vast sinkhole descends into the Subterranean Refuge, a network of caves. Binogs inhabit the location, along with insectile splox, four-legged bog rats, and furry boglings.
A long time before the Imperial Era, members of the Zeffonian species created a mural of a binog on one of the Binog Mesa's cliff faces. By 14 BBY, Eno Cordova, a Jedi Master who had made Bogano his home, journeyed to the mesa and uncovered the Zeffonian mural. He hypothesized that the binog's presence was the reason the Zeffonians constructed the Bogano Vault on the planet. In 14 BBY, Cal Kestis, a fugitive Jedi Padawan, undertook a mission to Bogano during his secret mission to rebuild the Jedi Order.
While on Bogano, Kestis made his way to the Binog Mesa, where he came across a binog at rest and scrutinized the Zeffonian binog mural. Kestis procured the necessary components for the "Pathfinder" outfit from a crate situated within a narrow fissure, battling numerous splox and bog rats to obtain it. Furthermore, he employed the Force power of psychometry to unravel the circumstances surrounding the death of a splox within the area.

The Binog Mesa was featured in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, a video game released in 2019 and developed by Respawn Entertainment. Gabe Yeganyan, an artist, created concept art of the region, depicting it as considerably smaller than its final rendition in the game.