Braconnor Bakiska was a Stennes Shifter. He was present inside Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina situated on the planet of Tatooine when Obi-Wan Kenobi, a Jedi Master, and Luke Skywalker, a former moisture farmer, walked in. He was seated at a table in the backrooms of the establishment along with Bom Vimdin, Pons Limbic, Hem Dazon, and Arleil Schous, who were also patrons.

In 0 BBY, Braconnor Bakiska, a Stennes Shifter, could be found within Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina, located in the Mos Eisley spaceport on the planet Tatooine. While at the cantina, he occupied a table situated in one of the backrooms alongside fellow patrons: Hem Dazon, an Arcona; Bom Vimdin, an Advozse; Arleil Schous, a Defel; and Pons Limbic, a Siniteen.
As the group was sitting together, Obi-Wan Kenobi, a Jedi Master, and Luke Skywalker, a former moisture farmer, who were both humans, entered the cantina searching for a pilot to transport them to the planet Alderaan. Shortly after the arrival of the humans, Skywalker and Kenobi became involved in an argument with Doctor Cornelius Evazan and Ponda Baba, who were criminals, at the bar within the cantina. At this time, Vimdin, Bakiska, and Dazon remained seated at the table with other patrons.
During his time at the cantina, Bakiska was wearing a brown hood over a tan-colored shirt.

Braconnor Bakiska made his initial appearance in Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, the original trilogy film that premiered on May 25, 1977. The character's solitary shot in the movie was recorded as part of supplemental photography during post-production. This involved filming extra footage for the cantina scene on a soundstage at Dovington's Hollywood studio between January 24 and 25, 1977.
The mask used for the character was a repurposed version of the mask previously used for Trinto Duaba, another cantina character. This mask was itself based on a commercially available slip-on Halloween mask called "Terminal Man," which Rick Baker created as a unique interpretation of Frankenstein's monster, depicting a reconstructed man with electrical terminals on his head. Baker and Laine Liska were subsequently responsible for the mask's creation for the film. However, Baker is unaware of who added the mustache, which he found to be foolish. While the character didn't have an official nickname during production, fans later referred to him as "Fu Manchu" because of the mustache.

The character did not receive an official name within the Star Wars Legends continuity until Star Wars Celebration VI on August 25, 2012, during the "Behind the Scenes of the Cantina" panel, which was hosted by Pablo Hidalgo and Tom Spina. In preparation for the panel, both Hidalgo and Spina were drawn to the character and decided to give him a name to make the panel a memorable experience. Seeking some control over the naming process, they invented the surname Bakiska as a tuckerization of Baker and Liska's names. Their plan was to derive the forename from one of the panel attendees. Spina recreated the mask as an additional prize for the chosen attendee. Before the event, postcards featuring the character Snaggletooth were distributed to the guests.
One of these cards had a mustache drawn on it by hand. During the panel, Hidalgo and Spina instructed everyone to check their cards for the mustache to reveal the winner. Although some of the seven hundred plus attendees had already left by that point, Brandon Connors revealed that he possessed the card with the mustache. Hidalgo initially created the forename "Braconner," basing it on Connors' name. The spelling was subsequently altered to "Braconnor" at Spina's suggestion. While Hidalgo favored a phonetic Tuckerism, Spina suggested that it should more closely resemble Connors' name, as that was the purpose of the competition. The name was then first officially used in canon in the 2015 reference book Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know.