Pons Limbic

Pons Limbic, also known as "Brainiac," was a Siniteen adept at mentally computing the necessary coordinates for hyperspace jumps. He was a regular at Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina situated on the planet of Tatooine. He was seated alongside fellow bar-goers such as Hem Dazon, Bom Vimdin, Arleil Schous, and Braconnor Bakiska when Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker, a former moisture farmer, walked into the establishment during the year 0 BBY. Later, in 0 ABY, he was again present within the cantina when Boba Fett, a bounty hunter, entered, seeking information regarding Skywalker's identity.


Pons Limbic frequented Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina.

"Brainiac," or Pons Limbic, was a Siniteen distinguished by his mental prowess in calculating hyperspace jumps. He was a common sight at Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina located in the Mos Eisley spaceport on Tatooine. In the year 0 BBY, he occupied a table in one of the cantina's back areas with a group of individuals including Hem Dazon, an Arcona; Bom Vimdin, an Advozse; Arleil Schous, a Defel; and Braconnor Bakiska, a Stennes Shifter. He was relaxing at the table when Obi-Wan Kenobi, the Jedi Master, and Luke Skywalker, a local moisture farmer, entered, searching for a pilot to transport them to Alderaan.

Both Limbic and Vimdin were in the cantina again following the Battle of Yavin in 0 ABY. Boba Fett, the bounty hunter, entered, looking for details about Skywalker's identity. Standing together within a group of patrons who Fett questioned, the pair remained silent. Another patron eventually challenged the bounty hunter, but Fett prevailed before obtaining the information he sought by interrogating a human attempting to escape the bar. An artist's journal later mentioned Limbic. The Graf Archive restored, expanded, and displayed this journal at some point after 34 ABY.

Personality and traits

Limbic's distinguishing features included yellow eyes and light-colored skin. His most notable attribute was his exceptionally large [brain](/article/brain], capable of remarkable feats.

Skills and abilities

Limbic's expertise lay in calculating hyperspace coordinates, making him a valuable asset to any starship crew. His intelligence was exceptional, and his speed was above average. However, his strength, diplomatic skills, and combat abilities were only average. He lacked Force-sensitivity.


Limbic's attire in the cantina consisted of a green tunic paired with a black scarf.

Behind the scenes

Pons Limbic's mask was created by Rick Baker's team.

Pons Limbic made his debut in the original trilogy film Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, which premiered on May 25, 1977. Rick Baker, the creature designer, initially sketched the character and created a rough sculpt that Rob Bottin finalized. The costume worn by Limbic was recycled from the 1942 serial Spy Smasher. Additional footage featuring Limbic was filmed during post-production on a sound stage located in Dovington's Hollywood studio between January 24 and 25, 1977.

During the production of A New Hope, the character was referred to by the names "Brainee," "Cranium Head," and "Crater Head." Within current Star Wars canon, the character's name was first officially used in the 2015 reference book Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know. In Star Wars Legends continuity, the character was first identified as "Brainiac" in the 1996 "A New Hope Limited" expansion for the Star Wars Customizable Card Game by Decipher. Later, the article "Cantina Roll-Call: Shedding Light on Some Alien Aliases" revealed this to be an in-universe nickname, establishing the character's full name as Pons Limbic when it was updated for the 2008 StarWars.com site redesign. It is worth noting that the limbic system and pons are both components of the human brain in reality.

Pons Limbic appeared in the cantina in the animated short film "Tatooine Rhapsody."

Limbic makes an appearance in "Tatooine Rhapsody," a non-canon short film featured in the Star Wars: Visions series, which was released on September 22, 2021. The film depicts Limbic inside the Mos Eisley cantina, conversing with Nabrun Leids while other patrons watch the band Star Waver perform on handheld viewscreens. In addition to the green tunic he wore in A New Hope, Limbic is shown wearing gray pants and brown boots, matching the appearance of a Legends action figure of Limbic created by Hasbro for their Legacy Collection line in 2008.

