
Brissa was an Ikkrukkian who served the Rebel Alliance. They were a member of Captain Magna Tolvan's crew. After successfully dismantling an Imperial outpost, General Leia Organa summoned the crew to a secret rebel base. Their mission: to search for the Silver Arrow, a Rebellion ship that had vanished and been taken over by the Scourge.

Upon locating the missing ship, the team discovered it was seemingly untouched, showing no signs of damage. However, upon entering, Brissa and the others were met with a horrific sight: the deceased bodies of the entire crew. The whereabouts of the ship's droids became a pressing question, quickly answered when the Scourge-controlled droids attacked, attempting to capture the crew. Despite a valiant effort, the crew was overwhelmed by the sheer number of droids. Deeming pure organics useless, the Scourge disposed of Brissa, along with the Devaronian Sheyo, and the Caamasi Pilok. Tolvan and Kelb, possessing cybernetics, were taken for experimentation.


Leia Organa briefs Brissa and the crew about the Silver Arrow situation.

Sometime between 3 ABY and 4 ABY, the Ikkrukkian known as Brissa served as a member of a crew under the command of Captain Magna Tolvan, a human cyborg, within the Rebel Alliance. Following the successful takedown of an Imperial outpost, General Leia Organa urgently summoned the crew to a secret rebel base. Upon landing their ship, the Hawk's End, the crew met with the general as planned. In the briefing room, Organa informed Brissa and the team that the Silver Arrow, a crucial Rebellion supply ship, had gone missing a week prior. The only lead was a recorded distress call that abruptly ended before the comms went silent. Unable to dedicate significant resources, Organa assigned the crew to search for the missing vessel, citing their past successes as near-miraculous. Unbeknownst to them, the Scourge, a technological entity, had taken over the Silver Arrow.

As the crew journeyed through the Outer Rim Territories aboard the Hawk's End, they repeatedly listened to the Silver Arrow's distress signal. Other crew members, including the Caamasi Pilok and the Devaronian Sheyo, speculated about the events that might have transpired on the missing ship. With only week-old coordinates from the ship's log, doubts began to surface among the crew regarding their chances of success. Despite their pessimistic views, Tolvan's encouragement kept them going. They input new coordinates and jumped into hyperspace. Emerging from hyperspace, still deep within the Outer Rim, they located the Silver Arrow. Brissa and Kelb, the human cyborg navigator, inspected the ship and confirmed its seemingly undamaged state. Tolvan attempted to contact the ship but received no response. Aware of the potential dangers ahead, she urged everyone to remain vigilant.

The Scourge attacks Brissa and their crew.

The crew boarded the Silver Arrow and examined the hull, where they were horrified to discover numerous lifeless bodies. Tolvan cautioned the team to be prepared in case the killer remained on board. Kelb estimated that the deaths had occurred several days prior, noting that one of the bodies had been stabbed with exceptional precision. As they examined the bodies, Kelb pointed out the absence of the droids. Soon after, the missing droids ambushed the crew. Controlled by the Scourge, the droids spoke and acted as a unified hivemind, which Brissa urged the others to ignore. Tolvan ordered the crew to retreat to their ship, but they were quickly overwhelmed by the droids. As the rebels struggled against the droids, Tolvan instructed Brissa to flee, but the Ikkrukkian was paralyzed with fear and began to cry. Tolvan and Kelb, due to their cybernetic enhancements, were captured for further experimentation, while Brissa, Sheyo, and Pilok, being purely organic, were killed and discarded.

Personality and traits

The crew discovers many corpses lying around the Silver Arrow.

Brissa was an Ikkrukkian characterized by white skin, orange eyes, and black hair. Like others of their species, Brissa possessed two distinct bulges on their skull. While generally quiet, Brissa displayed cheerfulness and excitement upon returning to the rebel base after a successful mission. This joy turned to terror as Brissa was seized by the infected droids on the Silver Arrow, leaving them crying and helpless.

Skills and abilities

Brissa's membership in Magna Tolvan's crew, whom Organa considered miracle workers, highlights their capabilities. The crew was able to successfully dismantle an Imperial outpost. Brissa was also proficient with a blaster and communicated in Galactic Basic Standard with their colleagues.


Brissa wore a green shirt beneath a brown sleeveless vest. During the mission to the Silver Arrow, Brissa carried a blaster and had an active tracker embedded in their clothing, designed to transmit a signal to the Rebellion. However, this tracker deactivated shortly after their death.

Behind the scenes

Brissa's initial appearance, though unnamed, occurred in the thirty-sixth issue of the comic-book series Star Wars: Doctor Aphra (2020), penned by Alyssa Wong, illustrated by Jethro Morales, and released by Marvel Comics on September 27, 2023. Their identity was confirmed in the series' thirty-seventh issue, also written by Wong and published by Marvel on October 25, 2023. Wong verified on Twitter that Brissa was indeed the Ikkrukkian featured in the issues. Furthermore, Wong confirmed Brissa's death following the encounter with the Scourge, a detail not explicitly depicted in the comic issue.

