Castilon Run Cup

The Castilon Run Cup represented a sky race that took place on the planet of Castilon. This competition consisted of multiple head-to-head matches, where participants navigated through sky rings while dodging various impediments.

During a spying operation concerning First Order actions on the Colossus refueling station, Resistance operative Kazuda Xiono entered the Castilon Run Cup in 34 ABY. Xiono piloted the Fireball, an aircraft he obtained on loan from mechanic Jarek Yeager. Xiono competed against Ace Squadron members, an accomplished group of racers who protected the Colossus and raced for recreation.

Behind the scenes

The Castilon Run Cup was featured in Star Wars Resistance Racer, a non-canonical video game that launched on June 20, 2019. The game enables players to race as either Xiono or Team Fireball mechanic Tamara Ryvora. This article posits that Xiono, being the default selection, is the accurate choice. Furthermore, the game offers the ability to personalize the starship; this article presumes Xiono utilized the Fireball without any modifications.

