Chibbier existed as a planet covered in forests, situated within the Outer Rim Territories. Raslin Grace, a bounty hunter, professed to have once frequented a shady dive on this very world. It was there that they allegedly accepted a bounty from the Bounty Hunters' Guild, later sharing an embellished account of their supposed time spent on Chibbier in a recounted story. During the First Order and Resistance's war, Delta Jeet, a human, labored alongside her kin on Chibbier, felling trees. However, their employment ceased once the planet's forests faced depletion. Later, in 34 ABY, Jeet, then employed as a pilot on Batuu, a planet in the Outer Rim, confided in Izal Garsea, a smuggler, regarding her past experiences on the forest-covered planet and the reasons behind her departure.
Chibbier, the forest planet, was a terrestrial world located in the Outer Rim Territories and within the Western Reaches. Its coordinates placed it in grid square I-17 on the Standard Galactic Grid.

Between 3 ABY and 4 ABY, the bounty hunter known as Raslin Grace regaled a group of individuals—including fellow hunters of bounties—with a tale while at the Bounty Hunters Guild Social Club on D'Assem. In this story, Grace asserted a visit to a seedy dive located somewhere on Chibbier. According to Grace's narrative, while at this establishment, the Bounty Hunters' Guild issued a bounty concerning a pair of Cathar twins. Grace claimed to have examined the bounty details through a hologram and decided to leave Chibbier in pursuit of the twins after discovering their origins in a rich family who had defrauded Jabba the Hutt, the crime lord. Despite Grace's claim of successful completion, skepticism arose among the listeners.
At the time when the First Order and the Resistance were at war, numerous individuals found employment cutting down trees on Chibbier. Among them were Delta Jeet, a [human](/article/human], and her relatives. However, as the forests diminished, these workers faced unemployment. Within a month, Jeet relocated to Batuu, an Outer Rim planet, securing a position as a pilot with the Ohnaka Transport Solutions shipping company. In 34 ABY, two months post her departure from Chibbier, Jeet recounted her experiences working there to Izal Garsea, a smuggler whom she had been tricked into holding as a prisoner by Ana Tolla, Garsea's former associate and fellow smuggler. In that very year, Eloc Throno, a historian and author, featured the forest world on a map within his Batuu guidebook titled Traveler's Guide to Batuu.
Chibbier's initial mention occurred in the young-adult novel A Crash of Fate from 2019, penned by Zoraida Córdova. The planet's visual debut took place in a flashback sequence within the comic story "Tall Tales," authored by Alyssa Wong and brought to life by the illustrations of David Baldeón. Marvel Comics released it as part of the one-shot comic Revelations 1 on December 20, 2023.