Authored by Paul S. Kemp, the novel Crosscurrent saw its release on January 26, 2010. The narrative unfolds during the era of the Great Hyperspace War and continues beyond the events of the Star Wars: Legacy of the Force series, prominently featuring Jaden Korr as a central figure. Furthermore, it establishes a connection with Lost Tribe of the Sith: Precipice. A direct continuation, Riptide, commences immediately following the conclusion of Crosscurrent.
A Sith vessel of ancient origin propels itself into the future, carrying a deadly payload poised to obliterate Luke Skywalker's aspirations for galactic harmony.
As the Civil War nears its end, Jedi Knight Jaden Korr is struck by a Force vision so compelling that he must respond. Enlisting a pair of salvage experts and their vessel, Jaden embarks on a journey into the vastness of space. It appears that someone—or something—is signaling distress.
However, the discovery made by Jaden and his companions is perplexing. A dreadnaught dating back five millennia—accompanied by a contingent of Sith warriors and a solitary Jedi—has unintentionally traversed epochs from the past into the present. Though the ship's armaments may be antiquated, its cargo, a unique ore capable of granting near invincibility to those who wield the dark side, is unparalleled. The ancient Jedi aboard is resolute in his mission to eradicate the Sith. Yet, for Jaden, the stakes are even higher: his vision has guided him to uncover a potentially insurmountable threat to the very foundations of the Jedi Order.
The story commences in 5000 BBY with Saes Rrogon, a former Jedi who has embraced the Sith path, engaged in the extraction of Lignan within the Phaegon system, resulting in the complete destruction of Phaegon III's moon. Lignan empowers Force-sensitives to amplify their connection to the dark side, and Saes is convinced that his shipment will shift the momentum of the ongoing battle at Kirrek, while elevating his status among the Sith. Nevertheless, two Jedi, Relin Druur, Saes's former Jedi Master, and Drev Hassin, his new Padawan, are under orders from the Old Jedi Order to thwart the Sith at all costs. Relin infiltrates Saes's vessel, the Harbinger, with the intention of sabotaging the hyperdrive. A duel ensues between Saes and Relin, culminating in Relin's loss of an arm and significant exposure to radiation emanating from the hyperdrive core. However, the damaged hyperdrive malfunctions, propelling the ship into the future, while also damaging its sister ship, the Omen. Relin's escape pod becomes entangled in the Harbinger's wake and follows it into hyperspace, and Drev perishes when he crashes his fighter into the Harbinger's bridge, causing further damage. Ultimately, Saes utilizes the power of the Lignan to extract the ship from hyperspace, finding it intact but displaced 5,000 years into the future.
Simultaneously, Jedi Knight Jaden Korr experiences a Force vision featuring Jedi and Sith figures such as Kam Solusar, Mara Jade Skywalker, Lumiya, and Lassin, who warn him of a crisis in the Unknown Regions and instruct him to seek assistance on the planet Fhost. Upon arriving there, he encounters two struggling salvagers, Khedryn Faal and Marr Idi-Shael, and recruits their aid (after rescuing them from Reegas Vance) along with their ship, the Junker, to venture into the Unknown Regions, guided by recent discoveries made by the pair concerning a crashed vessel or installation on the frozen moon of an unidentified gas giant. There, they come across the recently arrived Harbinger and retrieve the escape pod containing Relin Druur. Saes promptly detects Relin's location and dispatches Blade fighters to intercept them. Through skillful piloting, Marr and Khedryn evade and destroy the fighters, seeking refuge in an asteroid field.
Unbeknownst to them, another party is observing the unfolding conflict—Kell Douro, a hired Force-sensitive Anzat assassin tasked with monitoring the frozen moon under the orders of the One Sith, specifically Darth Wyyrlok. Douro also has a personal stake, believing that consuming Jaden will grant him "revelation" and omniscience.
Following the Blades' failed assault, the crew of the Junker divides, with Relin and Marr aiming to confront Saes, while Jaden and Khedryn proceed with Jaden's investigation of the frozen moon. Upon reaching their destination, Jaden and Khedryn uncover an abandoned Imperial cloning facility dating back to the Thrawn era, along with evidence of a fierce battle. In the computer room, they discover recordings detailing a "Jedi-Sith cloning project," seemingly involving the splicing of Jedi and Sith DNA to produce exceptionally powerful Force-sensitives. Apparently, the clones succumbed to madness due to their dual origins and became homicidal. Jaden continues his exploration while Khedryn returns to the shuttle, encountering proof of the clones' derangement, including piles of human heads and messages written in blood, such as "Mother is hungry". Jaden becomes increasingly disturbed by these findings, especially upon discovering an ancient Spaarti cloning cylinder filled with decomposing bodies. One of the mad clones, seemingly derived from Kam Solusar's DNA, confronts him, and after a brief duel resulting in the loss of three fingers, Jaden eliminates the clone. After Khedryn seeks out Jaden and kills Kell Douro, who was attempting to feed on Jaden, the two return to their shuttle, where they learn that the other clones have commandeered Douro's ship and fled deeper into the Unknown Regions.
Meanwhile, Relin and Marr successfully board the Harbinger, and Relin, fueled by his animosity towards his fallen apprentice and the Lignan ore, cuts a path of destruction through the ship before sending Marr back and confronting Saes alone. Relin, aware that he has succumbed to the dark side, chooses not to engage Saes with his lightsaber, and the two engage in a Force-based battle. Relin, weakened by his numerous injuries and radiation poisoning, is overwhelmed by Saes, who uses Force Choke to subdue him. At the last moment, Relin manages to briefly choke Saes and uses the Force to wrench Saes's lightsaber from his grasp, killing him with his own weapon. Relin then channels the full power of the Force from his fallen apprentice and the Lignan ore to generate a powerful explosion, resulting in his own demise.
As the three survivors witness the Harbinger plummet into the atmosphere and explode, they mourn Relin's loss. Marr requests that Jaden train him in the Force; initially, Jaden hesitates, but soon realizes that the doubt that has accompanied him throughout his life is what anchors him, and that his master Kyle understood this all along. Jaden agrees to train Marr, uttering "There be dragons."