Darth Vader #16 represents the sixteenth installment of the comic book series Star Wars: Darth Vader published by Marvel. It marks the beginning, or first issue, of the third arc, which is comprised of four issues. This particular issue was released on February 10, 2016, and features the writing of Kieron Gillen and the artwork of Salvador Larroca.
- A revolt is taking place on the planet Shu-Torun (previously seen in the Darth Vader Annual).
- Darth Vader receives the assignment of leading a military attack.
- Is this the dawn of Vader's ascent to power? [1]
Darth Vader has a meeting with Emperor Palpatine inside the Imperial Palace's former Jedi Council Chamber. He carries a chest containing the remains of Commander Karbin. Upon the Emperor's inquiry about the presence of lightsaber wounds, Vader states that he was asked to prove himself and provide a challenge worthy of the Emperor's attention. The Emperor responds that Vader is fortunate, as the ore barons of Shu-Torun are rebelling against the Galactic Empire.
The Emperor gives Lord Vader the responsibility of commanding a military force to aid Queen Trios, given Shu-Torun's crucial role as a supplier of essential metals and minerals to the Empire. The Emperor also informs Lord Vader that Doctor Cylo has been assigned to accompany him by Grand General Cassio Tagge. When Vader questions the reason, the Emperor explains that he will reveal everything upon Vader's return, emphasizing his role as the master and Vader's as the student. He urges Vader to demonstrate his worth and assures him of his greater reliance on him than Vader realizes.
On Shu-Torun, an AT-AT walker sustains damage from laser fire. Darth Vader advises Queen Trios to avoid the battlefield, as her replacement would present complications. Trios explains that due to the death of her sister, War Minister Hollian, she must assume all royal duties to maintain the people's respect for the monarchy. She suggests that Lord Vader retreat, citing the strength of the ore-dukes. Lord Vader disagrees, stating that their presence is a show of strength.
Imperial forces are besieging a delving citadel. Queen Trios notes the ineffectiveness of the Empire's direct assault, resulting in numerous stormtroopers deaths. Vader acknowledges this but reveals that the frontal assault served as a distraction for Tulon Voidgazer's drones to maneuver into position. On Vader's command, the drones breach a magma vein, causing it to engulf the delving citadel and eliminate the insurgents. Voidgazer expresses regret that the attack was not more devastating, while Queen Trios mourns the loss of a major production hub. Lord Vader retorts that it will not rebel again.
Later on, Darth Vader informs Dr. Cylo, Aiolin Astarte, and Morit Astarte that Voidgazer performed adequately. Dr. Cylo cautions Lord Vader about the Emperor's intolerance of errors. Aiolin also warns Lord Vader that they will not be as susceptible to accidents as Karbin was. Upon Queen Trios' arrival with her nobles, Lord Vader announces that the rebellious barons are concentrated around the mantle. He intends to use the destruction of the delving citadel as a deterrent to other rebellious ore-barons. Queen Trios expresses her horror at Lord Vader's destructive tendencies.
Vader responds that the ore barons are greedy and that they will be taught that resistance will result in the loss of all possessions. When Queen Trios reminds him of the importance of the delving citadels to Shu-Torun's production quota, he warns her to obey his commands. Her nobles mock her. In private, Queen Trios confronts Vader, criticizing him for humiliating her in front of her subordinates. Lord Vader agrees to show her respect, provided she does not question him in public. The two come to an understanding before Queen Trios departs.
Triple Zero informs Lord Vader of his suspicion that Trios may pose a problem. He suggests altering her diet with specific chemicals and supplements to make her more compliant, but warns that the resulting drooling may be distracting. Lord Vader inquires about the readiness of the holoprojector. Triple Zero confirms that he and Beetee have arranged a broadcast and that Vader's identity will remain concealed.
The cloaked Lord Vader addresses several bounty hunters, including Beebox, IG-90, Chanath Cha, Krrsantan, C-21 Highsinger, Zuckuss, and Dengar. Dengar remarks that the size of the bounty has attracted their attention and inquires about the target. Lord Vader reveals that Dr Aphra is in the custody of the Rebel Alliance and must be located and returned. When IG-90 asks whether she should be brought back dead or alive, Lord Vader replies that it is of no consequence to him.