Issue seventeen, titled Darth Vader 17, represents the seventeenth installment in the comic book series Star Wars: Darth Vader published by Marvel. As the second of four issues, it forms part of the series' third story arc. Kieron Gillen wrote the issue, while Salvador Larroca provided the artwork, and it was released on March 2, 2016.
- Will you stand with Darth Vader as he goes to war?
- Standing against him is a worse fate.
- The Ore-dukes are about to discover this painful truth... [1]
The ore-dukes, in defiance of Darth Vader's demands, decide to continue their rebellion against Queen Trios and her Imperial forces. One of the nobles determines that they must defy the established order and remind her of her "place."
Later on, at the Ancestral Retreat of Shu-Torun Royalty, Queen Trios, Lord Vader, Morit Astarte, and Aiolin Astarte convene to discuss their strategy. Morit expresses his boredom with the location, finding it lacking in military significance. Aiolin counters, stating that the Retreat serves as a reminder of what they are fighting to protect, noting the presence of Adamantine shoals in the waters and its long history as a peaceful sanctuary. Suddenly, Aiolin notices one of Duke Rubix's Lava Leviathans launching an attack on the sacred grounds.
When one of the Queen's pilots suggests retreating via shuttle, Lord Vader uses the Force to forcefully push him aside, declaring that there will be no escape. Vader, alongside the Astarte twins, boards the Lava Leviathan using the shuttle. After creating an opening in the hull with his lightsaber, Lord Vader eliminates a crew member. He instructs the twins to proceed to the starboard base of the hull while he heads to the port side, tasking them with destroying every bulkhead they encounter.
Lord Vader and the twins proceed to massacre the crew and breach the bulkheads. Subsequently, they evacuate the ship as magma engulfs the Lava Leviathan. As they escape on the Queen's shuttle, Vader comments that while he lacks familiarity with her people's religious customs, he believes this serves as fitting retribution for their sacrilege.
Upon their return to the Ancestral Retreat, Chamberlain Jooli scolds the Queen for putting herself in harm's way, reminding her that her role as a war leader is primarily symbolic rather than combative. Lord Vader ignites his lightsaber, cautioning the Chamberlain that his words place him in greater peril than the Queen's actions. Queen Trios diffuses the tension by suggesting that Jooli was simply speaking out of concern.
The Queen assures Jooli that she was never in danger, as she was accompanied by powerful allies, and that she does not shy away from threats. She criticizes the Barons for their hypocrisy in claiming to uphold tradition while simultaneously desecrating their most sacred sites. Given that the Lava Leviathan belonged to Lord Rubix, Trios decides that his delving citadel should be the next target. Vader concurs and instructs Dr Cylo to prepare his "abominations."
Meanwhile, Dr Cylo vents to Grand General Cassio Tagge, complaining that Darth Vader is not giving him the respect he thinks he deserves. Tagge is confused, but Cylo changes the subject to the progress of the war. Tagge expresses his frustration, saying that Vader is powerful but not powerful enough. He sees the destruction of the magma submersible as one of Vader's many faults, saying that the Sith Lord is too confident and takes too many risks.
Grand General Tagge believes that Vader wins big victories as much as he loses a thousand small ones, saying that Vader can win battles but not wars. Tagge agrees that the Shu-Torun campaign must end well, but that he wants the Empire, not Vader, to win. Dr Cylo agrees with Grand General Tagge.
While the Astarte twins are training, Triple Zero and Beetee inform Lord Vader that the bounty hunter Beebox has located and returned Mistress Aphra. Triple Zero has set up a private meeting, but Lord Vader wants to question them now. However, Triple Zero says that he didn't know that Lord Vader could talk to the dead. Lord Vader tells Triple Zero to take them to her right away.
Before he can leave, Aiolin Astarte asks Lord Vader who he thinks will win when they fight. Lord Vader says that her "showy mechanical tricks" are nothing compared to the power of the Force. Aiolin says that she was talking about her brother Morit before showing her cybernetic hand. Lord Vader tells her that she has been tricked and that she has no future. Aiolin asks Lord Vader to teach her the ways of the Jedi to keep their memory alive. Vader refuses to teach her and says that the lessons he has for her would be useless.
Beebox apologizes to Lord Vader, saying that he didn't know it was his bounty. When Lord Vader demands that he bring Dr Aphra, he shows a bag with ashes and a broken skull. He says that he had to use a disintegrator. Lord Vader says that it is not the girl and uses Force choke to kill the bounty hunter. Beebox tries to shoot with his blaster, but it doesn't work. Lord Vader orders the droids Triple Zero and Beetee to get rid of the bodies.
During a holographic meeting, Lord Rubix is angry about losing his lava leviathan. Another noble tells him that this is not the time to think about his money. He asks who this "Vader" is who does the impossible and wonders how they can defeat him. Rubix says that they are dealing with magic and that he has brought an expert. The expert is Dr Cylo, who tells them that he is not sure that he can give them a final victory but promises to give them Vader.