Darth Vader #9 represents the ninth installment in the Marvel comic book series entitled Star Wars: Darth Vader. Furthermore, it is the third of six issues comprising the second story arc of the series, known as Shadows and Secrets. This comic, penned by Kieron Gillen and visually brought to life by Salvador Larroca, saw its release on September 9, 2015.
On the moon designated Anthan 13, a contingent of Rebel troopers attempts to ambush Darth Vader, only to discover that the Sith Lord anticipated their move. At the Anthan Prime Orbital Dockyard, Inspector Thanoth informs Lord Vader that he has uncovered a promising lead concerning those responsible for the heist. He determined that there were no signs of tampering with the ship's systems. Thanoth posits that a compact team orchestrated a meteor shower using explosives, employing it as a smokescreen to conceal the fact that the ship was rendered inoperable via an ion charge. Subsequently, the perpetrators boarded, pinpointed the vault, and manually launched an amplified meteor to create a breach, ejecting its contents into the vacuum of space before retrieving their "ill-gotten gains."
Given Vader's involvement in the heist, he initially expresses reservations. Thanoth pledges to apprehend the thieves before inquiring about Lord Vader's presence on Anthan 13. The Sith Lord asserts that he was pursuing a rebel cell in that location. When Thanoth questions the absence of a report, Vader retorts that eliminating a handful of rebels hardly warrants attention. He then invites the inspector to examine the remnants firsthand.
Continuing their investigation within the depths of Anthan Prime, Inspector Thanoth informs Lord Vader that he believes the thieves procured their explosives from an individual known as The Dragon. His strategy involves meeting with one of his dealers, named Doowan, within a droid fighting arena. However, before Thanoth and Lord Vader can gain entry to the arena, they observe that it has been sealed off by Imperial stormtroopers due to an ongoing disturbance. They soon realize that the Astarte twins, Aiolin and Morit Astarte, are engaged in combat with both droids, patrons, and stormtroopers.
Lord Vader comments that their swordsmanship is basic yet effective. When Inspector Thanoth inquires whether it evokes nostalgia for lightsabers, the Sith Lord denies any such sentiment. The pair soon identifies the Nautolan Doowan, who threatens them with a blaster, but Lord Vader employs the Force to levitate the weapon. Lord Vader then drags Doowan to a secluded area. As Lord Vader constricts Doowan with his mechanical hand, Thanoth interrogates the criminal regarding the whereabouts of the Dragon.
Doowan discloses that the Dragon is located offworld on the mid-moons in Anthan 12. Vader discerns his deception and intensifies his grip. The Nautolan succumbs to the pressure, revealing that the Dragon's mansion is situated in the lower reaches of Anthan Prime's eastword core, providing the coordinates 241-86-1872. Thanoth expresses gratitude for his civic-minded cooperation. Thanoth then addresses Morit, suggesting that Doowan could prove valuable in his investigations into the Plasma Devils. To Thanoth's shock, Morit fatally strikes him with his lightsaber.
When Thanoth demands an explanation from the twins, Morit justifies the killing as a demonstration of power, emphasizing the need to avoid any perception of weakness. Aiolin concurs, acknowledging that it was messy but essential. Thanoth voices apprehension that the Astarte twins will indiscriminately kill everyone in the sector and laments the inappropriateness of assigning children to adult tasks. When Thanoth questions Lord Vader's silence, the Sith Lord responds that he is assessing Thanoth's potential threat, given that Tagge's previous adjutant Oon-ai was a traitor. Thanoth counters that he poses a threat solely to the Empire's adversaries.
Dr Aphra, accompanied by her droids Triple Zero and Beetee, journeys to an orbital holiday resort positioned above Anthan Prime. Triple Zero expresses his desire to compensate for years of neglecting holochess. Dr Aphra then engages with an Information broker known as the Ante, who cautions her about his exorbitant fees. Dr Aphra hands over the microchip previously given to her by Darth Vader and inquires about an individual named Commodex Tahn. The Ante discloses that Tahn served as a military clerk during the Galactic Republic era, subsequently joining his family's profession following the death of his father before retiring for two decades.
Aphra confirms that Tahn is the intended target. The Ante warns her that she has expended a considerable sum of credits to access publicly available information, but Aphra dismisses the concern, emphasizing his speed. Subsequently, Aphra informs the droids that Tahn's family were morticians and that they are en route to Naboo.