A journey of diplomacy to Mon Cala was made by Ghirra Starros, who was a senator of the Galactic Republic, in the year 238 BBY. Ghirra took her six year old daughter, Avon, with her on this trip to the planet of Mon Cala. During her time spent there, Avon stole and flew away in an escape pod.
During the Nihil pirates attack on the Star Cruiser called Steady Wing in 232 BBY, Avon and others found their way to a hangar. Inside, they located a maintenance shuttle which they planned to use for their escape. Vernestra Rwoh, a Jedi Knight, went to take the pilot's seat but discovered that Avon was already there. Imri Cantaros, a Jedi Padawan, questioned whether the girl knew how to fly, expressing his doubt. Avon responded by telling them about the time she stole the escape pod during the Mon Cala trip, and asked them to trust in her abilities.
The 2021 junior novel titled The High Republic: A Test of Courage mentions the diplomatic mission to Mon Cala. Justina Ireland authored the novel, which was released as part of Phase I of the Star Wars: The High Republic cross-media initiative.