Doctor Aphra Annual 3

Doctor Aphra Annual 3, published by Marvel Comics on October 30, 2019, is the third annual standalone issue in the Star Wars: Doctor Aphra comic book series. Simon Spurrier wrote it, and Elsa Charretier provided the illustrations.

The story, titled "The Arrangement," centers on Doctor Aphra making a bargain with Winloss, Nokk, and the bounty hunter Krrsantan.

Publisher's summary

THE ARRANGEMENT – A DONE-IN-ONE TALE! MOS EISLEY: you will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy -- and even from far away DOCTOR APHRA wears this place like a glove…Caught in her wake, struggling beast-hunters WINLOSS AND NOKK are about to cross paths with their most monstrous adversary yet…Oh blast, is that BLACK KRRSANTAN? And is there really an audience with JABBA THE HUTT up for grabs?

Plot summary

The narrative begins with Dr Aphra recounting the tale of Nokk, a young Trandoshan hunter, through a datapad. Nokk's final test in her coming-of-age ritual, led by hunt leader Skikkesk, involved killing a baby Wookiee. Her refusal led to her expulsion and the death of her brood.

Over time, Nokk became a trapper, hindered by her "ideals." She later fell in love with Winloss, an old, "burned-out" human known for causing "ripples." As hunters, they spared Dr Aphra's life despite her treachery, a fact she readily acknowledges.

In the present, Nokk watches Dr Aphra's recording at the Mos Eisley Cantina on Tatooine with Winloss, her husband. Dr Aphra mentions that Skikkesk is still alive and one of the most wanted "psycho" villains in the Outer Rim Territories. Aphra informs Nokk that she has accessed several Imperial records and found a name familiar to Nokk. Aphra sees this as a chance to repay the hunters who spared her life, revealing Skikkesk's hiding place. In exchange, Aphra asks Nokk and Winloss to deliver a "teensy" message.

Later, Winloss orders two more Ardees, mentioning his wife's mood. He asks Shrem, the bartender, if he has seen Dr Aphra. The bartender denies seeing her and emphasizes Chalmun's cantina's reputation for honesty. Winloss tries to explain their meeting arrangement with Dr Aphra, but the bartender is indifferent and suggests he look around.

Winloss attempts to gain the bartender's favor by stopping a staged fight intended to steal the cantina's cashbox. While Shrem remains unwilling to betray Dr Aphra, he shows interest in Winloss's hunting profession and his reptile pet. The bartender reveals he overheard Nokk's vid-message and warns Winloss about the dangers of pursuing Skikkesk. Winloss explains that Dr Aphra offered to help them find the Trandoshan hunt leader. When Shrem asks if she mentioned him, Winloss says no, questioning the bartender's claim of not knowing her.

Dr Aphra had actually helped the bartender steal from a Jawa clan. Feigning ignorance, the bartender tells Winloss that Jabba the Hutt, the crime lord, also wants Skikkesk. When Shrem refuses to help, Winloss mentions his scurrier pet. Claiming Nokk is becoming upset, Winloss bribes the bartender into an agreement.

Later, a hooded Krrsantan enters the cantina and is attacked by patrons seeking his bounty. The Wookiee bounty hunter defeats them and tries to buy Winloss's scurrier from the bartender, who refuses, leading to Krrsantan's frustrated departure.

That night, Nokk and Winloss return to the cantina for their pet scurrier, having failed to find Dr Aphra or Skikkesk. Shrem offers 100 credits for the scurrier, but Winloss declines, saying money can't save his marriage. The bartender decides to help, admitting he and Skikkesk have a history, having stolen from Dr Aphra together. Winloss agrees to share more information in exchange for the scurrier.

Hours later, Shrem tries to contact Black Krrsantan to sell the scurrier, but Skikkesk intercepts the transmission. Skikkesk is angry that the bartender betrayed his location to Nokk and Winloss. Shrem denies it, claiming he was warning Skikkesk. Nokk engages Skikkesk and his Trandoshan allies in combat. As the battle turns against him, Skikkesk flees, only to be stopped.

Seeking profit, Shrem decides to sell the scurrier to Jabba the Hutt for food. At Jabba's Palace, the bartender joins a queue and encounters Black Krrsantan, who has regained Jabba's favor. Shrem is horrified to see that Nokk and Winloss have captured Skikkesk. Nokk gives Shrem a datapad, through which Dr Aphra reveals that he has been "had."

As Shrem approaches Jabba's throne, Skikkesk warns him to leave. However, Shrem is determined to get rich by selling the scurrier. Dr Aphra, via the datapad, tells Jabba that Krrsantan and the hunters worked together to capture Skikkesk and tricked the bartender into betraying the Trandoshan hunter for something worthless. While cuddling a skreek, Dr Aphra explains that the creature is a spitscuttle, which the Imperials consider a pest.

The spitscuttle spits in Jabba's face, angering the Hutt, who throws Shrem and Skikkesk alive to his rancor pet Pateesa. While Nokk enjoys their screams, Winloss tries to convince Black Krrsantan to settle their differences and come to an agreement. Meanwhile, Dr Aphra tells Shrem he should have known that everything causes a ripple.


A panel in Doctor Aphra Annual 3 depicts events initially shown in Doctor Aphra (2016) 30.



  • UPC 759606087037; October 30 , 2019 ; Marvel Comics ; First printing [1] 00311; Cover A; Elsa Charretier & Matt Hollingsworth 00321; Cover B; Mike McKone & José Villarubia 00331; Cover C; Colleen Doran

