Durs served within the New Republic Special Forces and was part of the deployment to the planet Akiva during the Rebellion on Akiva that took place in 4 ABY. Under the command of Sergeant major Jom Barell, Durs was one of the six SpecForces soldiers who arrived via transport with the mission to drop from Akiva's atmosphere near the city of Myrra. Following Barell's instructions, the soldiers began leaping from the transport, employing parawaings to descend to the planet's surface. Durs and Barell were the final two to jump. During their descent, an Imperial turbolaser began to fire upon the soldiers, instantly killing Durs' fellow soldiers Corporal Kason and Stromm. Barell then gave the order to deploy their parawings, but Gahee'abee, Durs' comrade, was immediately killed upon doing so. Durs, who was now the closest to the ground, was subsequently struck by the laser and met his end, leaving Polnichk, the only other surviving soldier under Barell, to be scattered by the wind. Barell was successful in reaching the ground and later played a role in securing a New Republic victory. Durs' gear for the Akiva deployment included carbon-laced armor, orbital drop masks, and parawings.
Durs' initial appearance occurred in the novel Aftermath, penned by Chuck Wendig and published in 2015.