Emarr Ottkreg

Emarr Ottkreg was a male colonel, functioning as a loyalty officer within the Imperial Security Bureau. He was stationed on the Imperial-class Star Destroyer known as the Vigilance during the Battle of Endor which occurred in 4 ABY. Admiral Rae Sloane, the commanding officer of the Vigilance, held him in low regard. During the battle, Ottkreg observed the fighting on the Star Destroyer's holotank and questioned Sloane's tactical decisions as she issued commands. He reveled in the destruction of the Rebel Alliance, visible on the hologram. However, as the tide of battle turned against the Empire, he attempted to usurp command. Realizing the Empire's defeat and the impending destruction of the DS-2 Death Star II Mobile Battle Station, Sloane chose to eliminate Ottkreg with a blaster shot, rather than engage in further argument as she ordered a retreat.


The Battle of Endor

During the Battle of Endor, Emarr Ottkreg was stationed aboard the Vigilance, one of many Imperial Star Destroyers in the Imperial fleet.

Emarr Ottkreg, a male [colonel](/article/colonel] hailing from Pondakree, held the dual roles of loyalty officer and agent within the Imperial Security Bureau, a branch of the Commission for the Preservation of the New Order within the Galactic Empire. Shortly before the Battle of Endor, which took place during the Galactic Civil War against the Alliance to Restore the Republic, Ottkreg was assigned to the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Vigilance. This assignment was much to the displeasure of Admiral Rae Sloane. Sloane was uncertain whether Ottkreg's presence was due to the Galactic Emperor Palpatine's presence aboard the DS-2 Death Star II Mobile Battle Station battle station, then under construction in orbit around the moon of Endor, or simply the paranoia of the ISB. Consequently, Sloane tasked her executive officer, Nymos Lyle, with assisting Ottkreg, trusting that Lyle would also keep the agent away from her.

When the Rebel Alliance launched their assault on the Death Star above Endor in 4 ABY, Ottkreg was still serving aboard the Vigilance. During the engagement, accompanied by Lyle, he proceeded to the Star Destroyer's bridge and approached Sloane as she directed her crew. Sloane led Ottkreg to the forward section of the bridge, to minimize eavesdropping by the crew. Ottkreg then inquired as to why the Vigilance was adopting a defensive posture rather than actively engaging the Alliance Fleet.

Sloane explained that her orders originated directly from Admiral Firmus Piett, the commander of the Imperial fleet, and likely ultimately from the Emperor himself. The loyalty officer scrutinized Sloane's statements for any hint of disloyalty to the Empire, but was satisfied when she affirmed that Palpatine's strategies were not to be questioned. After Ottkreg questioned Sloane's identification of three distant rebel CR90 corvettes that she had ordered Sapphire Squadron, a component of her ship's TIE fighters, to intercept, the Admiral activated the bridge's holotank. This allowed Ottkreg to observe a holographic representation of the battle, both to enhance his understanding and to distract him from interfering with her command.

Beginning of the end

Emarr Ottkreg was killed by Admiral Rae Sloane.

As Ottkreg intently observed the destruction of Rebel forces on the holotank, Sloane determined that the pivotal point of the battle was the conflict on the moon below, the location of the Death Star's shield generator. She directed her crew to ascertain the situation on the ground. Receiving conflicting reports, Sloane instructed Lieutenant Habbel to directly contact the shield bunker for a status update. This action elicited a disapproving glance from Ottkreg, who then resumed observing the deaths of rebels on the holotank. He was momentarily startled when Sloane switched the projection to an image of the shield bunker just after its destruction, forcing him to refocus. The holotank was quickly reverted to the overall battle view, prompting Ottkreg to express outrage upon witnessing rebel starfighters entering the now-unshielded Death Star superstructure.

The loyalty officer began to shout, but Sloane ignored him, ordering Sapphire Squadron not to pursue the rebels into the Death Star. Ottkreg began to protest but was silenced by Sloane, who then ordered the TIEs to return to the Vigilance. Ottkreg, now red in the face, attempted to countermand the order and direct the TIEs to attack. Sloane intervened, reminding him that he lacked the authority to issue commands on her bridge, and was only there to observe and report on her actions. Disgusted, Ottkreg turned away as Lyle attempted to persuade Sloane to change her mind. However, the Admiral remained resolute and ordered the Vigilance to reposition to flank the Executor, Piett's Executor-class Star Dreadnought.

Before the Vigilance could reach the Executor, the Super Star Destroyer collided with the Death Star's surface following the destruction of its command bridge. Remaining composed, Sloane requested communications from the Death Star. Communications Officer Ives reported that the chain of command had collapsed after orders from the Emperor's Throne Room ceased. Ottkreg refused to believe that the Emperor was no longer issuing commands, but Sloane accepted the situation and ordered all remaining Imperial forces to rally to her ship. Ottkreg then noted the rebel retreat as he watched the holotank. At that point, Sloane fatally shot Ottkreg with her blaster pistol before ordering the Imperial forces to retreat to avoid the Death Star's impending destruction. His body fell against the holotank he had been observing and collapsed to the floor, coming to rest so that even in death he continued to stare at the holographic display of the battle.

Personality and traits

Emarr Ottkreg, an Imperial loyalty officer, was tasked with monitoring others for any signs of disloyalty to the Empire. Consequently, he would scrutinize the statements of individuals like Admiral Rae Sloane, seeking reportable offenses. Unwavering in his devotion to the Emperor, he refused to accept that Palpatine had ceased issuing commands during the Battle of Endor and attempted to compel Sloane to deploy her TIE fighters to protect the Death Star, despite lacking the authority to do so. He was awed by the power of the Death Star and the prospect of using it to obliterate rebel worlds, gazing upon the battle station's superlaser with greedy eyes.

Ottkreg regarded the Rebel Alliance as a band of fanatics and derived pleasure from witnessing the destruction of their ships above Endor, believing that their assault was doomed from the outset. He considered the assault a final, futile act of resistance before their inevitable demise, and hoped to recount to his future grandchildren the day he witnessed the Rebellion's end. Sloane held Ottkreg in deep dislike, finding his presence aboard her ship repulsive and struggling to avoid provoking him during their interactions. She felt he had no understanding of personal space when conversing with others. Ultimately, Sloane deemed Ottkreg so detached from reality that she killed him to avoid dealing with his objections as she ordered a retreat from Endor.

Behind the scenes

Emarr Ottkreg was a character created by author Jason Fry for the short story "The Levers of Power," which was included in The Rise of the Empire compilation published in 2015.

