"The Levers of Power" is a brief narrative crafted by Jason Fry, included within the anthology titled The Rise of the Empire. The story's central character is Rae Sloane, and its setting is the infamous Battle of Endor.
As the forces of the Empire and the Rebellion engage in conflict both on and above Endor's Forest Moon, Admiral Rae Sloane directs operations from the Star Destroyer Vigilance's bridge. With the fate of the galaxy hanging in the balance, Sloane strives to defend the Death Star and secure an Imperial triumph, acutely aware of the precarious situation the Empire will face following the battle.
During the Battle of Endor, Admiral Rae Sloane is in command of the Imperial Star Destroyer named Vigilance. Remembering the "lesson" taught by the deceased Commandant Pell Baylo, Sloane maintains a composed and emotionless demeanor to prevent unsettling her bridge personnel. As the Alliance Fleet increases speed to initiate an assault along the battle line, Sloane instructs Lieutenant Habbel to order Sapphire Leader Maus Monare to redeploy their TIE fighters into a defensive perimeter and to transmit targeting data to the turbolaser teams.
Sloane harbors resentment towards having to operate under the supervision of Emarr Ottkreg, a loyalty officer from the Imperial Security Bureau. In order to avoid Ottkreg's interference, Sloane subtly directs her second-in-command, Nymos Lyle, to keep Ottkreg occupied and away from her. From her position on the Vigilance's bridge, Sloane observes the Alliance Fleet advancing towards the Imperial fleet's Death Squadron. Ottkreg questions Sloane's decision to adopt a defensive posture and advocates for an aggressive advance to obliterate the rebel fleet. However, Sloane argues that it is unnecessary to waste the lives of Imperial pilots and suggests allowing the rebels to exhaust their attack while the second Death Star eliminates them one by one. The second Death Star promptly obliterates a Mon Calamari cruiser with its powerful weapon.
When Ottkreg expresses his disagreement, Sloane retorts that she is following direct orders from Admiral Piett, who in turn received them from Emperor Palpatine. As three rebel CR90 corvettes approach, Sloane instructs Habbel to inform Sapphire Leader to intercept them if they maintain their current trajectory but to await further instructions. When Ottkreg challenges her decision once again, she instructs controller Springbuck to activate the holotank, which displays the positions of forces on the battlefield. Sloane and her bridge crew also notice that the Alliance ships are not retreating but are instead engaging the Imperial fleet; Ottkreg asserts that the rebels are making their last stand.
While Ottkreg expresses confidence in the Death Star's immense power, Sloane and Habbel privately view the superweapon as an extravagant and wasteful expenditure. After losing communication with the Endor garrison, Sloane commands her crew to contact them on priority channels. As Imperial fighters and turbolasers engage the rebel ships, Habbel informs Admiral Sloane that indigenes have launched an attack on Imperial forces stationed on Endor. Recognizing that their primary objective is to protect the second Death Star and the Emperor, Sloane instructs Habbel to obtain a comprehensive situation report from the Endor garrison. To her dismay, she discovers that the Endor base has lost three bow deflector generators and one dorsal unit, but the shields are still functional.
As the battle continues, the Imperial fleet suffers losses. Sloane loses six of her Sapphire pilots, and several Imperial capital ships have been destroyed or sustained significant damage. Despite these setbacks, the Imperial line remains intact. Sloane instructs her crew to prepare for two possible outcomes. First, a cleanup operation to neutralize the remaining rebel ships. Second, a pursuit of the nearest concentration of enemy ships should they disengage and attempt to flee. Sloane receives information from controller Feldstrom that they have lost their reading on the Death Star's deflector shield. Shortly thereafter, the Death Star's shield generator on Endor is destroyed in a massive explosion.
As Sapphire Leader requests permission to pursue the rebel starfighters into the second Death Star, Sloane orders them to stand down, as they are too far behind to effectively engage. Despite Ottkreg's protests, Sloane recalls all TIE fighters. Ottkreg warns that Sloane's career is at risk, but she counters that the Empire itself is in danger. Sloane orders the Vigilance to take up a flanking position alongside the Super Star Destroyer Executor, the flagship of the Imperial Navy. Despite her efforts to protect the Executor, a A-wing collides with the massive warship's bridge, causing it to crash into the second Death Star and explode in a cataclysmic event. Sloane and her crew watch in stunned silence.
After losing contact with the Emperor, Sloane assumes command as the highest-ranking Admiral present and instructs the surviving captains to recall their TIE fighters and assemble around the Vigilance. Ottkreg objects, but Feldstrom reports unusual power fluctuations emanating from the second Death Star. Having reached her limit with Ottkreg's insubordination, Sloane fatally shoots him with her pistol. With the rebel fleet accelerating away from the Death Star, Sloane orders all Imperial ships to proceed to the Annaj system, believing that the Alliance fleet is heading there.
Shortly after, the second Death Star detonates in a massive explosion. While Lyle expresses despair, Sloane assures her that they have only lost a single battle, not the entire war. She reminds them that the Empire still exists and that there is a war still to be fought. She informs her crew that the next battle has already begun.