
Nestled within a protostar gas cloud, near the Kathol Rift, was the planet Exocron, situated in the Kathol Outback. Colonists, dissenting against what they termed the "Galactic Republic's plastic societies," established a settlement there, seeking a mythical world known as Exo. Cut off from the broader galaxy, the colony thrived under the rule of the Devisors, a technocracy that prohibited space travel. Their dominion persisted until 8 ABY, when the New Republic corvette, the FarStar, aided the local populace in overthrowing the oppressive regime. At some point in time, the smuggler Jorj Car'das chose this planet as his retirement destination.

In 19 ABY, Exocron once more drew the attention of external entities during the Caamas Document Crisis. Talon Karrde, a smuggler, journeyed to the planet in pursuit of Jorj Car'das, only to be trailed by the pirate Rei'Kas. A battle ensued, with the enigmatic Aing-Tii monks offering assistance to the planet. This triumph enabled Karrde to obtain crucial data that would ultimately pave the way for peace between the New Republic and the Imperial Remnant.


Exocron was a verdant world, abundant with forests and mountain chains. The planet's location was concealed by a protostar, creating a shield of radiation and static that jammed sensors. Much of the Kathol Outback remained unaware of its existence, and it was absent from any official starcharts of the region. Nevertheless, tales of a legendary, hidden world persisted.



During the era of the Galactic Republic, the colony ship Exocros Cabal undertook the colonization of the planet. The Exocros Cabal formed a part of The Cabal, a sequence of expeditions beyond the Outer Rim Territories, financed by Deamos Na-Coth in a quest to discover the legendary planet, Exo.

As the Exocros Cabal journeyed, an uncharted asteroid storm struck the vessel, causing significant damage to the bridge and resulting in the captain's death. Subsequently, a mutiny erupted, with various warring families vying for control of the ship. Over time, different families gained dominion over the remnants of the bridge, steering the ship in diverse directions based on their interpretations of Na-Coth's writings.

Eventually, a group of engineers seized control of the ship. Pursued by pirates, the engineers determined the necessity of finding a world to settle upon. Fortuitously, they discovered a planet concealed by a gas cloud, and established their colony there. They christened the planet "Exocron" in honor of their vessel and the mythical planet they had sought.

Early years

The colony's initial years were marked by unrest, as certain factions from the colony ship sought to commandeer the vessel and persist in the search for Exo. To maintain the colony's unity, the engineers intentionally destroyed the hyperdrive engines of the colony ship. Consequently, the colony regressed to an industrial-based technological level, with the engineers, later known as the Devisors, exercising control over all advanced technology on the planet.

Over time, Exocron's society evolved into a hierarchical two-tiered system, with the Devisors at the apex and the rest of the populace below. New technology was disseminated to the people only after the Devisors ascertained that it posed no threat to their authority or themselves.

Under the Devisors

The Devisors developed a perception of anything originating from beyond their planet as malevolent and a threat to the planet's stability. Consequently, they formulated the Laws of the Devisors, the foremost of which was "Travel beyond our home is forbidden". Despite this prohibition, the Devisors retained the secrets of space travel, denying them to the populace.

However, the Devisors' rule faced opposition. The Corsairs residing in the western canyons openly challenged their authority, and an underground resistance operated within the capital, Caballa City. Many believed that the Devisors were unjustly withholding their birthright to explore space and that they maintained their dominion through fear and deception. Although a separate Ruling Council was established, the Devisors exerted significant influence over its decisions.

At some point, Exocron became embroiled in internal strife as the planet fragmented into several feuding regimes. The Exocron Airfleet played a crucial role in preserving the government's unity and power.

Arrival of the FarStar

FarStar crewmembers rescue Kaiya Adrimetrum from the Ministry of Technology on Exocron.

In 8 ABY, the New Republic CR90 corvette FarStar stumbled upon the planet. Upon discovering the gaseous cloud concealing the planet, the FarStar's commander, Captain Kaiya Adrimetrum, instructed that a probe droid be deployed into the cloud to ascertain whether it harbored any forces allied with Moff Kentor Sarne.

The Exocron Airfleet retrieved the probe droid using airships, and a retrieval mission dispatched by Captain Adrimetrum was intercepted by the sky-dreadnaught Maxion, under the command of Captain Horzao Darr. Darr invited the FarStar's command crew aboard his vessel, and they were transported to Caballa City. En route, Corsairs from the western canyons attacked the airship Desaclates, which was conveying the probe droid back to Caballa City. Starfighters from the FarStar provided assistance in the vessel's defense.

Upon arriving at Caballa City, the Devisors perceived the representatives from the FarStar as a threat. To safeguard Exocron, the Devisors decreed that the crew would remain on the planet for the remainder of their lives and that their ship and technology would be impounded for examination. Captain Adrimetrum was taken away for interrogation, while an antiquated, yet potent, tractor beam locked onto the FarStar in orbit and initiated a gradual descent of the ship toward the planet.

Disgusted by the treatment of the New Republic personnel, Captain Darr rescued the remaining members of the delegation and secretly transported them to the residence of Eida Sharden, a member of the underground. With her assistance, the crew recovered their X-wings and launched an assault on the tractor beam generator to liberate the FarStar. Concurrently, the Maxion deployed other members of the FarStar crew into the Ministry of Technology utilizing repulsorlift personal jump packs. The New Republic forces successfully rescued Adrimentrum and vanquished the Devisors.

With the public revelation that they controlled high-technology in the form of the tractor beam, the Devisors' power crumbled. The Ruling Council assumed control of Exocron, and Captain Adrimetrum furnished data on spaceflight and hyperdrive technology to those who requested it. The planet allied itself with the New Republic and pledged a safe harbor to the FarStar during its pursuit of Moff Sarne.

Later threats

Around 18 ABY, the Rodian pirate and slaver Rei'Kas initiated operations in proximity to Exocron. Rei'Kas had long coveted Exocron's wealth but was unaware of its location. Exocron's leaders expressed concern regarding the threat posed by Rei'Kas, acknowledging that their Combined Air-Space Fleet stood little chance against his forces. However, Jorj Car'das was aware that if Rei'Kas were to attack, he could enlist the aid of the Aing-Tii, a race of alien mystics who abhorred slavery. For the Aing-Tii to intervene, however, Rei'Kas's forces had to be near the Kathol Rift, and Exocron's leaders couldn't openly invite Rei'Kas to the planet.

The Battle of Exocron

In 19 ABY, Talon Karrde was traversing the Outback, endeavoring to locate Car'das and a copy of the Caamas Document in an attempt to avert a civil war within the New Republic. While on the planet Dayark, Karrde incurred the wrath of some of Rei'Kas's personnel, and the Rodian vowed vengeance upon the smuggler. One of Rei'Kas's ships trailed Karrde's vessel, the Wild Karrde, and uncovered the planet's location.

Exocron's leaders seized the opportunity, recognizing that Rei'Kas would follow with his fleet. It required nearly eight hours for Exocron to mobilize its modest attack force, encompassing hastily-armed civilian vessels and the Wild Karrde. Admiral Trey David commanded the force from the bridge of the Wild Karrde. Employing the Combined Air-Space Fleet as bait, they lured Rei'Kas's fleet in, enabling the Aing-Tii to arrive behind the pirate fleet and obliterate it.

The victory allowed Karrde to contact Car'das to determine if he possessed a copy of the Caamas Document. Car'das did not, but he held something equally valuable - the identity of the individual masquerading as Grand Admiral Thrawn. Ultimately, the information would culminate in the signing of peace accords between the New Republic and the Imperial Remnant.


Exocron was governed by the Devisors, a technocracy that guarded the secrets of high-technology to preserve their power base. They also prohibited all off-world travel. In 8 ABY, their grip on power was shattered, and the Ruling Council assumed authority. By 19 ABY, the Ruling Council was ostensibly still in power, although Supreme Admiral Horzao Darr wielded considerable influence as commander of the Exocron Combined Air-Space Fleet. Additionally, the former smuggler Jorj Car'das appeared to maintain strong connections with the government, assisting them in addressing Rei'Kas's pirate fleet.

Military forces

By 8 ABY, Exocron's primary military force was the Exocron Airfleet, headquartered in Caballa City and under the command of the Devisors. Following the Devisors' downfall, the Ruling Council initiated a starship construction program utilizing data provided by Captain Adrimetrum of the New Republic. This endeavor resulted in the Exocron Combined Air-Space Fleet, although not all of the ships were constructed by the planet. Some were reportedly acquired from other planets, as the Wild Karrde was escorted to the planet by two aging system patrol ships. The Airfleet remained active for planetary defense. By 19 ABY, the military was under the command of Supreme Admiral Horzao Darr, with Admiral Trey David serving as his second in command.

