Legacy (2013) 1

Legacy 1: Prisoner of the Floating World, Part 1 marks the debut issue of the Star Wars: Legacy Volume 2 comic book series.

To celebrate the release of Legacy, authors Corinna Bechko and Gabriel Hardman made an appearance at Beach Ball Comics, a comic book store located in Anaheim, California, on March 20, 2013. On March 23, Dave Wilkins, the cover artist, accompanied them on a visit to Collector's Paradise, a store in Winnetka, California, where guests could purchase an exclusive variant cover of the first issue. Hardman created this variant cover as a tribute to the iconic 1977 poster for the original Star Wars movie.

Publisher's summary

Exploring the galaxy… Solo style!

Despite her famous heritage, Ania Solo is just a girl trying to make her way in a galaxy gone bad. But it all gets worse when she comes into possession of a lightsaber and an Imperial communications droid—and discovers she has been targeted for death!

  • She's Han and Leia's great-great granddaughter introduced to the _ Legacy _ saga!

  • In the aftermath of War, the Solo clan lives on!

  • A new ongoing series!

  • _From the acclaimed creators of _ Betrayal of the Planet of the Apes !

Plot summary

After Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire is defeated, the One Sith are forced into hiding. A new governing body, the Galactic Federation Triumvirate, is formed, consisting of the Jedi Order, the Fel Empire, and what remains of the Galactic Alliance. Empress Marasiah Fel initiates an ambitious project aimed at connecting the Outer Rim Territories to the rest of the galaxy. In the year 138 ABY, she sends the Imperial Knight Yalta Val to the Carreras system with the task of overseeing the final stages of construction of the Carreras G51 communications array. While traveling through the treacherous Surd Nebula, Val's shuttle is attacked by a Sith master and his apprentice, causing it to crash on the floating world known as Mala. The Sith master eliminates Val's troops, then manages to subdue and disarm Yalta Val. However, the apprentice then kills his master, as he has different plans for the captured Imperial Knight. Yalta Val's Imperial communications droid is able to retrieve his lightsaber, but it is struck by asteroids and left drifting in space. One week later, a pair of spacers discover the communications droid and reluctantly sell it to Ania Solo, a young Human woman who operates a junkyard on Carreras Minor's moon. Meanwhile, the Sith apprentice assumes Master Val's identity and is rescued by the Carreras authorities. Using the false claim of a Sith presence in the Carreras system, the Sith impostor pressures Governor Biala into giving him complete control of her security forces. At the Carreras Minor ice mining platform, Ania shows her "find" to her Mon Calamari friend Sauk. While examining the droid, Ania and Sauk find a blue lightsaber. Seeing it as a quick way to get rich, Ania and Sauk decide to sell it to another junk dealer in order to escape the poverty-stricken Carreras system.

On Coruscant, Empress Fel and other members of the Triumvirate, including Admiral Gar Stazi and Jedi Master K'Kruhk, are debating the value of her ambitious G51 galactic communications project. On the Shifala homeworld of Carreras Major, Ania and Sauk try to sell the lightsaber, but the shopkeeper throws them out. Shortly after, the two friends are chased by the Carreras security forces. After a fight, Ania shoots and kills a security officer. Back on Mala, Yalta Val is shown to be held captive by the mysterious Sith apprentice, forced to wear a Sith mask.

