Flametroopers were a specialized type of stormtrooper from the Imperial forces, recognized for their use of incendiary weapons. During the Imperial Era, they were sent to locations such as Kashyyyk and Agaris to protect Imperial installations from the local wildlife.
Within the Galactic Empire's Stormtrooper Corps, flametroopers represented a specific stormtrooper specialization. Their defining characteristic was the employment of flamethrowers. Throughout the Imperial Era, the design of their armor evolved. One particular design, prominently seen on Agaris, bore a resemblance to snowtrooper armor, but included maroon markings on the helmet and shoulder areas. This version incorporated a black backpack connected to the flamethrower system, along with fabric extending from the goggles to cover the mouth. Another armor configuration was deployed on Kashyyyk, featuring a more sharp-angled design and a purely white color scheme. This variant had a lower mouth covering, a white backpack, and a kama.

The purpose of the flametrooper unit was to defend Imperial facilities from attacks, whether from local fauna or enemy soldiers. Moreover, they could be deployed in attacks on enemy positions, as ordered by their commanding officers, which unfortunately allowed corrupt officers to use flametroopers for nefarious purposes. They demonstrated expertise in the use of incendiary weaponry. Their flame rifle had an effective range of around ten meters. However, this weapon reduced their agility. It also relied on a combustible fuel, requiring a cool-down period following use.

During the Imperial Era, Moff Wilhuff Tarkin utilized flametroopers on Agaris to incinerate the native Agarians living in the forests surrounding the Imperial compound located there. At some point during the Imperial Era, a high-ranking Imperial officer attempted to seize the entire production of the valuable watervine peach for himself and his supporters, but the local farmers on the peach's homeworld resisted. As a result, the officer deployed flametroopers to set fire to the watervine peach orchards, permanently destroying the crop for everyone in the galaxy.
During the early rebellion against the Galactic Empire, flametroopers were stationed at the Imperial Refinery on the planet Kashyyyk. There, they aided in defending the facility from the native wyyyschokk and flame beetles using their flamethrowers. In 3 ABY, during the Battle of Hoth, Rebel pilot Thane Kyrell suggested that the Empire might use flametroopers against the Alliance to Restore the Republic's ground forces. During the New Republic Era, Rieve, a supposed Sith Lord, incorporated flametrooper armor components into her Icy Sith armor for the Hunters of the Outer Rim.
The first mention of flametroopers occurred in Lost Stars, a canon young adult novel from 2015 written by Claudia Gray. Their first on-screen appearance was in the 2017 junior novel Adventures in Wild Space: The Rescue.