Flash Strike

title: "Flash Strike"

"Flash Strike" marks the fourteenth installment of Star Wars: The Bad Batch's third season. The episode initially aired on April 24 of 2024.

Official description

The Batch faces considerable challenges as they operate deep within enemy territory.

Plot summary

Descent into Wayland

Edmon Rampart cautions the Bad Batch while they traverse hyperspace aboard the stolen shuttle Alpha-44, which is docked to an Imperial science vessel. He explains that Imperial scanners will detect their presence upon exiting hyperspace. Hunter suggests undocking from the science vessel beforehand and proceeding on foot. Crosshair warns of the jungle's dangers, a sentiment echoed by Rampart. Wrecker inquires about Echo's departure strategy from the science vessel, prompting Hunter to assure him that Echo will devise a plan. An alert signal then sounds.

Within the science vessel, Echo gains access to a computer system and copies data. He conceals himself as an RA-7 protocol droid approaches. At Tantiss Base, Dr. Royce Hemlock questions Clone Commander Scorch regarding the science vessel's status. Scorch reports the starship's imminent arrival but also alerts Hemlock to a security breach, revealing that Clone Force 99 infiltrated the orbital station alongside Rampart. Scorch elaborates that they escaped aboard a stolen shuttle as the science vessel departed, suggesting they might be monitoring the vessel. Hemlock promptly deploys starfighters to patrol the airspace.

As they enter the atmosphere of the planet Wayland, the clones detach their shuttle from the science vessel. They are immediately intercepted by three Imperial Alpha-3 Nimbus-class V-wing starfighter, which begin to pursue them. Hemlock and Scorch are informed of this encounter in the Tantiss Base control room. Laser cannons strike the shuttle's wings, forcing it to descend into the jungle.

Inside the Tantiss vault, Omega, Eva, Sami, and Jax hear the sounds of laser cannons, which Omega recognizes. In the observation deck, Dr. Emerie Karr and her colleagues are alerted to the intrusion. Karr orders lockdown procedures to be initiated and assigns Dr. Scalder the responsibility of protecting the children. Scalder dismisses these concerns as unnecessary for the "specimens." Omega confides in the other children that her brothers have located her.


With its deflector shields failing, Hunter redirects power to the shuttle's cannons and shoots down one of the pursuing V-wings. Hunter engages the shuttle's autopilot system as the clones and Rampart descend into Wayland's jungles using cables. Wrecker and Crosshair descend first, followed by Hunter and Rampart. Rampart's cable malfunctions, leading Hunter to sever it. Rampart plummets, but Hunter catches him mid-air. The two detach from the shuttle just before an Imperial pilot destroys it with a laser barrage.

After an Imperial weapons technician confirms the stolen shuttle's destruction, Hemlock orders patrols to be dispatched to the crash site. Scorch informs him that the science vessel is approaching. Hemlock orders a thorough search and scan of the ship and its entire crew at the hangar. As the science vessel docks in the hangar, Echo disguises himself as a TK stormtrooper. Before the ship's captain, Lieutenant Novitz, and his troops can unload their cargo, Scorch arrives with a detachment of Stormtroopers to search the vessel and verify their clearance, as per Hemlock's instructions. Novitz reluctantly complies.

In the jungle, Crosshair advises Wrecker to maintain radio silence and proceed towards Tantiss Base. Wrecker questions if Crosshair knows the way. Crosshair hints at his imprisonment at Tantiss Base, prompting Wrecker to joke about Crosshair "breaking in." Crosshair is hesitant to return to Tantiss Base but is resolved to repay Omega's kindness for not abandoning him when she had the chance. Hunter and Rampart join them, with Rampart expressing his doubts about the clones' chances of success. They take cover as a LAAT/le patrol gunship flies overhead. Two patrol gunships approach the charred remains of the crashed shuttle. A clone commando confirms that no one was found in the wreckage. His commanding officer orders a search of the surrounding jungle.

Behind enemy lines

On the science vessel, Imperial stormtroopers conduct a search while Echo, in disguise, exits the computer booth. He is confronted by protocol droid RA-7-81, who questions his unauthorized presence. Echo claims he was verifying the manifest before shooting the protocol droid in the chest. Echo steals the droid's hand before escaping the ship through the astromech droid chute. He blends in with the stormtroopers, following them through a corridor.

Meanwhile, Eva questions why the scientists and lab droids have not taken their vitals. Jax says he doesn't know and this is weird. Omega tells the other children she will go scouting and tells the other children to cover for her if she does not make it back in time. When Eva and Jax asks what she means, she tells them to stall the droids if they come snooping. When Sami asks how, Omega tells them to improvise and that she is counting on them.

Omega crawls into the dumbwaiter system behind her cell, dodging lifts. In the jungle, Rampart chafes following Crosshair's orders to keep moving. When Rampart quips about good soldiers following orders, Crosshair replies that but depends who is giving them. Rampart doesn't think they can win against the Empire and suggests that both he and Crosshair are only loyal to themselves. Crosshair disagrees, saying he has changed.

Inside the main terminal, Echo breaks away from the stormtrooper unit he was following and uses his cybernetic arm to access a network terminal. He uses it to locate a vault. Meanwhile, Omega climbs through the dumbwaiter structure. The Bad Batch and Rampart avoid a stormtrooper patrol and approach a large rockface. While the clones discuss their next plans, Rampart rests his head against a large furry Dryax. The clones and Rampart attempt to retreat but Rampart panics and flees into the jungle.

As the dryax gives chase, Crosshair and Wrecker fight the beast. The dryax hurls Wrecker against a tree. The clones retreat with the beast in pursuit. Rampart gets separated from the group and walks past a stormtrooper patrol, who are alerted by the beast. The clones run into the path of the Stromtroopers, resulting in a brief gunfight. The dryax attacks the stormtrooper patrol, knocking out several Imperials. Rampart runs into the path of three stormtroopers from a separate patrol.

Heart of Tantiss Base

Jax asks how long Omega will take and if something went wrong. Sami alerts the other children to the arrival of a hovering Tantiss medical droid and Dr Scalder. The droid orders the children to head to their rooms. Sami carries Bayrn to his room before going to her room. Scalder and the droid collect Sami's sample. Sami claims she is hungry but Scalder says it will pass. Meanwhile, Omega uses the dumbwaiter system to find her way to the Zillo Beast's watery enclosure, where it is guarded by stormtroopers. The Imperials use satellites to harness its electrical pulses.

Back in the vault, Eva tells Doctor Scalder she doesn't feel very good. Scalder orders the medical droid to scan SP-54. Omega heads back to her cell as Scalder and the droid assess Eva to be fine. Scalder orders the droid to monitor her more closely. As Scalder approaches Omega's cell, Jax offers to go next but the doctor tells him to wait his turn. Omega returned to her cell just in time for her blood test.

Meanwhile, Echo enters Central lab and gains access to a computer with information about Omega's Midi-chlorian count. Dr Karr confronts him, telling him stormtroopers are not allowed in the laboratory. Echo claims it is a special security protocol but she notices his droid hand. As he leaves, Karr addresses him as Echo and tells him that Omega talked about him. She introduces herself as Emerie Karr, whom Omega is familiar with. Echo says the Bad Batch is not just rescuing her but to liberate the other prisoners she has been experimenting on.

When Karr says she was just following orders, Echo is unmoved. He asks how she as a clone could be part of this project. Echo says that Omega vouched for her and hope she is right. Echo demands to know where Omega is. Karr confirms that Omega is inside the vault but says he will need her help to get there. She tells him to trust her in order to free the children. Karr explains that Omega is not the only child imprisoned in the base. Scalder finishes testing the children and leaves the vault. Omega tells the other children she found something big and that she had a plan. She asks them for their help.


