Gold One, a BTL-A4 Y-wing assault starfighter/bomber, served as the command ship for Gold Leader Captain Jon Vander amidst the Galactic Civil War. Vander's use of Gold One is particularly memorable in engagements such as the Battle of Scarif and the Battle of Yavin; however, during the Battle of Yavin, the Sith Lord Darth Vader shot down Vander, resulting in the vessel's destruction.
In the year 2 BBY, Gold One provided escort duties for Mon Mothma's vessel, known as the Chandrila Mistress. When the forces of the Empire launched an assault on the escort formation, Gold One and the rest of Gold Squadron established a defensive perimeter to protect the ship. After the Mistress was destroyed, and the attacking forces were defeated, Gold One managed to escape the conflict.
When Rogue One successfully acquired the Death Star plans on the planet Scarif, Gold One, accompanied by the rest of Gold Squadron, actively participated in the ensuing battle. Following Jyn Erso's transmission of the plans to the Profundity, Gold One, together with Gold Squadron, executed a jump to hyperspace, returning to Yavin 4.
In the wake of the Destruction of Alderaan and the Rescue of Princess Leia, the Rebel Alliance readied itself for a decisive strike against the superweapon. Vander piloted Gold One during this pivotal battle. As they approached the Meridian trench, Darth Vader, flying his TIE Advanced x1, intercepted them. Ultimately, the Sith Lord downed the fighter, resulting in the loss of Vander and R2-BHD.