Huetrin Jones, a human, held the positions of captain and Flight Officer within the Resistance forces during their war against the First Order. Around 34 ABY, Jones aided Lieutenant Kaydel Ko Connix in the evacuation efforts at the Resistance base located on the planet D'Qar. As First Order Star Destroyers appeared over D'Qar amidst the ongoing evacuation, Connix instructed Jones to abandon the base's munitions and ensure all remaining Resistance personnel boarded the departing transports.
During the conflict between the Resistance navy and the First Order, Huetrin Jones served as both a captain and a Flight Officer. Following the Battle of Starkiller Base in 34 ABY, which resulted in the destruction of the First Order's superweapon, Jones was stationed at the Resistance base on the Outer Rim planet of D'Qar, where he played a role in the Resistance's evacuation procedures.

As the chaotic evacuation unfolded, Jones walked across the landing field with Lieutenant Kaydel Ko Connix and informed her that thirty pallets of cannon shells remained in storage. Because time was critical, Connix instructed Jones to leave the munitions behind and make sure that all remaining personnel boarded the lifeboats that were departing for the Resistance cruiser Raddus.
Just as Connix finished her instructions, First Order Star Destroyers entered the D'Qar system, drawing their attention. Fearing that the First Order would deploy slicers and droids to access the Resistance databanks, Connix commanded Jones to supervise the destruction of the computers before evacuating. Jones and Connix were in command of the final lifeboat to depart D'Qar, and their transport barely escaped an orbital strike from the First Order dreadnought named the Fulminatrix.

Huetrin Jones made his debut in the 2017 film, Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi, part of the sequel trilogy, which was both written and directed by Rian Johnson. Notably, Jones delivers the first line of dialogue in the movie. The character was brought to life by Jack Greenlees, who was credited as "Resistance Evacuation Officer."
Jones received his name in Jason Fry's novelization and audiobook adaptation of the film, both of which were released in 2018. The novelization portrays the character's role somewhat differently from the film. In the novel, Jones speaks to Connix after the First Order's arrival at D'Qar, rather than before, and the protocol droid PZ-4CO is present as well. His first name, "Huetrin," was later revealed in the 2019 reference book Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary, authored by Pablo Hidalgo.