IG-series battle droid army

The IG-series battle droid army functioned as an army operated by the InterGalactic Banking Clan. This army was a component of the InterGalactic Banking Clan Collections and Security Division, with the purpose of safeguarding the Banking Clan's repossessed assets. The Muun officer corps provided command for this force, which consisted of both IG-86 sentinel droids and IG-227 Hailfire-class droid tanks. These units were later integrated into the Droid Army of the Separatist Alliance. During the Battle of Abrion Bridge, they were effectively utilized against the forces of the Galactic Republic, inflicting significant casualties on Republic soldiers belonging to the 212th Attack Battalion, 442nd Siege Battalion, and the Roon's military defense forces. Despite the heavy losses suffered, the Republic ultimately secured a victory against the IG-series army; however, this battle left Republic Commander Mekedrix psychologically damaged, leading him to abandon the Republic and establish a renegade execution squad known as Death Wind.

Behind the scenes

The 2018 reference book Star Wars: Scum and Villainy: Case Files on the Galaxy's Most Notorious provided the initial mention of the IG-series battle droid army. Its official designation occurred in Rise of the Separatists, a supplementary roleplaying sourcebook for the Star Wars Roleplaying game series, which Fantasy Flight Games released in 2019.

