Jaahn Liddle was a human male who fought for the Rebel Alliance. Following the Battle of Yavin, Liddle journeyed to the planet of Tibrin as a member of a diplomatic mission alongside fellow Rebels Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, and Tadd Marteens. Because of Skywalker's heroic actions during the Battle of Yavin, Liddle was incredibly excited to meet him. While on Tibrin, he and Tadd questioned Skywalker about his work with the Alliance, which attracted the attention of a KX-series security droid. This resulted in an Imperial assault on the Rebels, during which Liddle sustained injuries and Skywalker was taken prisoner.
Following the Battle of Yavin, Jaahn Liddle, a human male, became a member of the Rebel Alliance. Liddle was chosen to participate in a crucial mission to the planet Tibrin alongside the Jedi Padawan Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia Organa, and Tadd Marteens.
To reach the planet, Skywalker, Tadd, and Liddle worked together as pilots aboard the starship called the Breha. As they neared Tibrin, Skywalker instructed Liddle to establish an orbital pattern. Despite the Empire's presence on Tibirin, they were cleared to land. Liddle and Tadd then speculated that the Empire was still trying to recover from the Battle of Yavin, where Skywalker had destroyed the Imperial Death Star superweapon.
After landing on an ocean landing platform in Tibrin's capital city, Tibrina, the four Rebels disembarked. While Organa greeted the Ishi Tib Mariod Govi, Liddle and Tadd began questioning Skywalker about his past exploits while serving the Rebellion. An Imperial KX-series security droid overheard their conversation about Rebel activities, which triggered an almost immediate attack on the Rebels by Imperial stormtroopers who opened fire from a nearby landing pad. During the ensuing battle, Liddle was struck and injured by the stormtroopers' blaster fire. Following Organa's instructions, Tadd attempted to throw a grenade at the Imperials, but a blaster bolt hit him mid-throw, causing him to drop the explosive.
The grenade rolled toward Skywalker and detonated, knocking the Jedi unconscious. The platform on which Organa, Tadd, Liddle, and the Breha were standing began to sink into Tibrin's oceans. Organa managed to board the platform where the Imperials had been positioned and witnessed them capturing the unconscious Skywalker. While Liddle and Tadd were recovering from their injuries, Organa infiltrated the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Stormbringer, where Skywalker was being held, and rescued him with the help of the Ishi Tiib, who decided to oppose the Empire. Liddle, with a bandage on his head and his right arm in a sling, was present when Organa met with Mariod Govi again, who apologized for the Ishi Tiib's delayed intervention against the Imperials.
Liddle was very enthusiastic about working with Luke Skywalker and openly discussed his various heroic deeds with the Alliance, even in public where Imperials could overhear. He lacked prior combat experience before the Tibrin mission but claimed he did when Skywalker inquired. Liddle had fair skin, brown [eyes](/article/eye], and hair.
Jaahn Liddle's first appearance was in the comic "The Trouble at Tibrin," which was penned by Landry Q. Walker and released in Star Wars Adventures 4 on November 29, 2017. The comic only identified the character as Liddle. However, Walker later shared the character's first name and expanded on his backstory via Twitter, revealing that the character and his name were inspired by the late Star Wars fan filmmaker John Liddle. Walker specified that Liddle's first name was Jaahn and that he had previously been a spice addict and was imprisoned by the Galactic Empire on Oreenda Fayeet. After the Rebel Alliance freed him from imprisonment, Liddle joined their cause.