Jat Kaa was a male Lurmen who hailed from the planet Mygeeto, with his birth occurring sometime between 4 ABY and 14 ABY. During the time of the war fought between the First Order and the Resistance in 34 ABY, Kaa made his living by running an imported beverage business known as Jat Kaa's Coolers. He resided on Batuu, a world situated in the Outer Rim. Through his enterprise, the Lurmen provided ice cold refreshments, notably Coca-Cola, Diet Coke, Sprite, and Dasani, boasting a temperature mirroring that of his homeworld. These drinks were vended from mobile units in Black Spire Outpost and the neighboring Black Spire Ruins by employees consisting of R-series astromech droids – specifically, J1-KC, J2-KC, J3-KC, J4-KC, and J5-KC. Kaa had acquired these droids from Mubo, a local droid fabricator, and subsequently reprogrammed them for his business needs.
During the occupation of Batuu by the First Order in 34 ABY, Eloc Throno, a historian, made mention of Jat Kaa within the pages of his book, Traveler's Guide to Batuu.
The character of Jat Kaa was conceived as part of the official narrative for Jat Kaa's Coolers, a set of three mobile soda stands located in the themed area Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge. This area debuted to visitors at Disneyland Park on May 31, 2019. The concept of a Lurmen selling beverages originated with Carrie Beck from Lucasfilm. Initially, the plan was to create Jat Kaa as a physical figure, but the ultimate decision involved utilizing repurposed droids to manage the drink carts.