Jedi Fallen Order - Dark Temple 4

title: Jedi Fallen Order - Dark Temple 4

The fourth issue, and second to last, of the canon comic book miniseries Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order - Dark Temple, which is connected to the Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order video game, is Jedi Fallen Order - Dark Temple 4. Marvel Comics published it on November 13, 2019, and it was written by Matthew Rosenberg and illustrated by Paolo Villanelli. The story, titled "A Truce, a Trap and a Traitor," centers on Padawan Cere Junda's journey into the temple located on Ontotho.

Publisher's summary

Eno Cordova, a Jedi Knight, is facing a world of danger. He must put his life on the line to discover the mysteries held within the Dark Temple on Ontotho, with the formidable Ontothon army closing in! Can CERE JUNDA, a lone Padawan, prevent them from seizing the temple for their own purposes? And what secrets are the deadly TEMPLE GUARDIANS protecting, and who are they?

Plot summary

The Inquisitor starts her own search of the temple

Sometime around 14 BBY, an Inquisitor, accompanied by a pair of Purge Troopers, makes their way inside the temple on Ontotho to find a peculiar language and scattered remnants. The Inquisitor notices En-Threelo buried under rocks, his wires exposed, and proceeds to activate the droid. Experiencing a slight malfunction, En-Threelo declares that someone had caused his demise. When the Inquisitor inquires about the culprit, En-Threelo blames the Jedi, asserting that they were responsible for the surrounding destruction.

In events that transpired years prior, Eno Cordova instructs his Padawan, Cere Junda, to remain outside as a lookout while he enters the temple. Despite Cere's attempts to persuade him to let her join, the Jedi Master insists on going alone, all while diverting the attention of the Fylar Freedom Fighters guarding the temple's entrance. En-Threelo approaches Cere as she stands guard, but Cere abandons her post and follows her master into the temple, leaving the droid behind.

Once inside, Eno is captivated by the language inscribed on the temple walls as a statue seemingly awakens. Eno inadvertently triggers several traps, deducing that they were not originally part of the temple's design. Cere enters the temple and stumbles upon a group of Daa Corporation commanders and their security droids. When they reveal their plan to tail Eno and assassinate him, Cere identifies herself. She swiftly neutralizes the droids, but a commander manages to aim a blaster at her back.

Before anyone can react, a statue bursts through and attacks the commander. As the other Daa forces open fire on the statue, it retaliates with an attack that Cere barely avoids as it lands on a droid. Cere tries to save the Daa personnel as they flee the statue, but the commanders abandon Cere, even attempting to throw a grenade at the Jedi. The grenade begins to suffocate both Cere and the commander who threw it, as they are trapped behind a heavy door. Cere tries to lift the door, but can only manage a small gap before the door becomes too heavy. The commander refuses to help and instead contacts the Daa forces outside, claiming Cere attacked him and requesting all available forces to enter the temple.

To Cere's astonishment, the door suddenly gives way. She looks up to see her master, guiding her to safety. Cere and Eno argue about her decision to follow him, but the older Jedi reminds her that their mission is to protect the planet's inhabitants, not each other. With more Daa forces approaching, Cere goes to slow them down, allowing her master to uncover the reason behind the conflict over the ancient temple.

Dylanto Daa collects his forces for a final attack

Later on, Dylanto Daa gathers his forces and prepares to enter the temple. Cere and a number of the Fylari arrive to prevent Dylanto from entering and further disrupting the peace. After a brief exchange, Dylanto orders his men to fire upon Cere and the Fylari. As a battle ensues, Cere contemplates directly confronting Dylanto to end the fight quickly, but Neralli suggests that she needs a distraction to enter the temple and potentially offer assistance. Fess disagrees with the plan, but as they are cornered, Cere instructs her to proceed.

Meanwhile, inside the temple, Eno continues his exploration, muttering about sending the data to the Jedi Council for translation. He hears a sound, suspecting the arrival of the Daa forces, but is instead attacked by Neralli, who apologizes and states that she cannot allow anything to hinder the Fylari's objectives.



  • UPC 759606094721; November 13 , 2019 ; Marvel Comics ; First printing [1] 00411; Cover A; Will Sliney & Dono Sánchez-Almara 00421; Cover B; Paolo Villanelli & Arif Prianto

