Dylanto Daa

Dylanto Daa, a male historian of the human species, established the Daa Corporation. Following the planet Ontotho's integration into the Galactic Republic under a unified government, Daa and his company entered into an arrangement to explore a newly discovered temple situated in the land controlled by the independent Fylari. The Fylari and Ontothons both desired war to resolve longstanding conflicts, and Fylari members Daa had employed for security purposes turned against his own group, which included the Jedi Eno Cordova and Cere Junda. Daa commanded his forces in a battle to subdue the Fylari, whom he and his corporation regarded as terrorists. Although they initially claimed to be defending their territory, the Fylari revealed themselves as the instigators of the conflict, and Daa met his death at the hands of the Fylari leader, Neralli, during an assault on the Daa Corporation's contingent.


Historical study

Dylanto Daa meets Eno Cordova and Cere Junda.

Dylanto Daa, a student of ancient civilizations, transitioned into a businessman and historian, creating the Daa Corporation to further his pursuit of knowledge. During the time of the Galactic Republic, Chairman Daa and his corporation sought to investigate a temple unearthed on the planet Ontotho. Despite having an agreement with the Ontothon government, Daa was unable to access the temple because it was located within the independent nation of Fylar. Daa attempted communication with the Fylari regarding exploration of the temple, but no consensus was reached. The corporation requested a Republic presence on Ontotho, but the deployment of troops was delayed, and the Jedi High Council instead dispatched Jedi Master Eno Cordova and his Padawan Cere Junda to aid in the negotiations.

Upon their arrival at the Ontotho Spaceport, Daa encountered the two Jedi and proposed sending them into the Fylar nation with a group of Daa Corporation personnel, hoping to engage the Fylari in discussions about studying the temple. However, local Fylari, hired by Daa as security, attacked the Daa Corporation caravan, aiming to instigate a war to resolve their local disputes. The two Jedi became separated during the assault, but Cordova was recovered by the Daa Corporation, who presumed Junda was dead. Cordova was taken back to the Daa Corporation camp to recover in their bacta tanks, and Daa permitted the Jedi Master to contact the Jedi Council about the situation. However, Junda had survived the attack, having been rescued by the Fylari, who convinced her that Daa had orchestrated the attack to falsely portray the Fylari as terrorists.

Escalating hostility

Daa uses his blaster to defend himself from Cere Junda.

Following the attack, Daa visited the parliament building in Ontotho City, seeking authorization from the Ontothon government to proceed with the exploration. The government granted Daa permission to proceed, but the meeting was disrupted by Junda's arrival, who attempted to persuade the government of the Fylari's claims. Daa doubted Junda's assertions, and his security forces were ordered to apprehend the Jedi Padawan. Junda escaped, returning to the Fylari, while Daa dispatched his forces to the temple.

Junda assisted the Fylari in defending the temple from the Daa Corporation forces, destroying his droids but sparing the lives of the human officers. Upon hearing of his forces' retreat, Daa visited his corporation's camp on the Fylar border and was surprised to learn that none of his men had been killed. Junda entered the camp, and Daa attempted to defend himself with a blaster. The Jedi disarmed Daa with her lightsaber, and the chairman summoned assistance from his security droids. After Junda defeated the droids, Daa allowed Cordova to enter the room. Cordova, having learned of the situation from Daa, requested that Junda collaborate with them to resolve the issue, but Junda informed her master that she was fighting on the side of the Fylari.

Initiating war

The two Jedi arranged a meeting between the Daa Corporation and the Fylari. Both Daa and Neralli, the Fylari leader, accused the other side of initiating the attack, and Cordova intervened to silence them. Cordova proposed a two days truce to allow for a resolution, while he and Junda secretly entered the temple to investigate the source of the conflict. However, Daa's forces also entered the temple, but were killed by an ancient guardian that had been reactivated. After hearing from his forces in the temple, who claimed that they had been attacked by the two Jedi, Daa decided to lead an assault on Fylar.

Dylanto Daa leads the attack on the Fylari.

Leading his forces, Daa encountered Junda and the Fylari. Junda accused Daa of desiring the war, but Daa was confident in his victory. Daa ordered his forces to open fire on the Fylari, who retaliated against Daa's forces. During the ensuing skirmish, Neralli left to enter the temple, incapacitating Master Cordova. Daa returned to his command center, consulting with his lieutenants and learning that the Ontothon government had revoked Fylar's status as a nation, incorporating their land into the Republic and legitimizing his expedition. Daa's lieutenants, having investigated the situation, informed him that the local Fylari security he had hired were responsible for the initial attack on his caravan. While Daa was meeting with his lieutenants, Junda learned of his location and entered the command center, claiming that she had an offer for him. Daa was reluctant to negotiate with Junda pointing her lightsaber at him, but Junda deactivated the weapon, offering Daa her trust. Junda requested that Daa cease the attack and withdraw his forces from Fylar in exchange for access to information from the Jedi Archives.

Ceasefire and death

Dylanto Daa is shot by Neralli.

Daa initially resisted the idea of retreating and nullifying the efforts of his corporation, but he instructed his commanders to cease fire regardless. Daa informed Junda that a Republic force was en route to Ontotho, and he hoped that Junda could persuade the Fylari to leave the temple unharmed. Upon exiting the command center, Daa shared with Junda the findings of his lieutenants' investigation. Before he and Junda could meet with the Fylari, Daa was shot and fatally wounded by Neralli. Junda attempted to summon a medic, but the command center came under attack from the Fylari, and Daa's forces were compelled to retreat.

During the attack, the Republic force arrived, including the Jedi Masters Mace Windu, Luminara Unduli, Maslo-Skaff, and Odu. The Jedi assisted the Daa Corporation forces in retreating from the area, while Junda entered the temple to rescue Cordova. Inside the temple, they were trapped by Neralli, and Junda questioned the purpose of killing Daa. Ultimately, neither side achieved victory in the war, and the Republic evacuated the Daa Corporation forces and most Fylari citizens from the area, which had become unstable due to the fighting. The Daa Corporation dissolved following the death of its founder, and the corrupt Ontothon government was dealt with in Republic courts.

Personality and traits

Dylanto Daa, a male of the human species, possessed light skin, brown hair, and brown eyes. As a student of history, Daa desired to learn, believing that understanding would lead to peace, and having mistakenly believed he understood how the galaxy functioned when he was younger. Although he intended to use force to enter the temple on Ontotho, Daa had no desire to excavate or damage it, but simply to explore and discover why the Fylari were so protective of the site.

Daa was unconcerned by the loss of equipment and vehicles, possessing the money to replace them, but was deeply troubled by the loss of his peoples' lives. Despite this, Daa was prepared to attack the Fylari, whom he considered terrorists. Daa was confident that he and his forces could defeat the Fylari, even though he maintained that he did not want to initiate a war. However, after learning that the war was initiated by the Fylari that his security forces had hired, Daa agreed to cease fire.


As chairman of the Daa Corporation, Dylanto Daa commanded an army of private security forces, including security droids. He also controlled numerous vehicles, including caravans, excavators, and aerial tanks. Daa possessed a blaster, though it was severed and destroyed by Cere Junda. While on Ontotho, Daa wore a long brown coat over a dark tunic and pants, as well as gloves. When Daa led an attack on the Fylari, he wore armor over his chest and legs.

Behind the scenes

Dylanto Daa made his first appearance in the comic Jedi Fallen Order - Dark Temple 1, written by Matthew Rosenberg, illustrated by Paolo Villanelli, and published by Marvel Comics on September 4, 2019.

