The final installment, issue number five, of the canon comic book miniseries Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order - Dark Temple is titled Jedi Fallen Order - Dark Temple 5. Matthew Rosenberg penned the script, while Paolo Villanelli and Ruairí Coleman provided the illustrations. Marvel Comics released it on December 4, 2019. The climax of the conflict on Ontotho is depicted in the story "The Collapse of All Things" within this issue.
ONE AGAINST A WORLD Jedi Master Eno Cordova will have to use all his wits and training if he hopes to survive the mysteries of the Dark Temple! Meanwhile Jedi Padawan Cere Junda strikes a blow in the hopes of ending the battle with the Daa Corporation's army. But was it too late? If Cordova and Junda hope to survive they're going to need to get off Ontotho. And they can't do that alone! It all ends here! Read the shocking conclusion to the epic comic series featuring characters from the videogame STAR WARS JEDI: FALLEN ORDER.
Cere Junda is assisting the Fylar Freedom Fighters in slowing the Daa Corporation's progress toward a crucial temple in the Fylar region, which occurs several years before the Inquisitors begin their hunt for the remaining Jedi. Cere instructs the Fylari to retreat, supported by [Moroo]'s](/article/moroo) resistance, emphasizing the need to provide Neralli with additional time. After Moroo is shot, Cere intervenes, pushing back numerous Daa soldiers. She then jumps towards the command center, using her lightsaber to breach the roof. She finds herself near Dylanto Daa, who is standing with some of his commanders, and promptly holds her lightsaber up to his face.
Cere proposes a deal to Dylanto, offering to facilitate his access to the Jedi Archives and persuade Neralli to allow exploration of the temple in exchange for him ceasing fire on the Fylari. Dylanto expresses skepticism about Cere's ability to grant him access to the archives, as non-Jedi are prohibited from entering. Dylanto then reveals that the Ontothon government no longer recognizes the Fylar region's independence, allowing the Daa to legally enter the temple. He further discloses that their own personnel attacked the caravan when the Jedi first arrived on Ontotho, although the Daa personnel hired were actually Fylari.

Before Cere and Dylanto can conclude their discussion, a shot from a unique blaster strikes and kills Dylanto. The shot originates from Neralli, who appears with several Fylari, all wielding the new blasters with similar firepower to the statues from the temple. Neralli and the freedom fighters disregard Cere's calls for a ceasefire and attack both her and the Daa forces.
The Daa commanders begin to despair, but the Jedi Masters Mace Windu, Luminara Unduli, Maslo-Skaff, and Odu arrive on Ontotho to assist in defending the Daa from the Fylari. Mace instructs Cere to seek out her master with Odu's assistance, while the other Jedi help the Daa forces retreat and regroup with the Republic forces.
Cere and Odu successfully enter the temple and locate Eno Cordova, who is regaining consciousness and recalling the events that transpired. Before they can proceed, a shield traps the Jedi, and Neralli, along with En-Threelo, reveal themselves as the captors. Neralli explains that she and the Fylari intend to overthrow the Ontothon government and secede from the Republic to re-establish their planet's independence. Eno confirms with Neralli that the spheres powering the shield are also powering the new weapons, which is the underlying reason for the conflict over the temple. Before the Fylari depart, En-Threelo places a grenade, similar to the one Cere previously escaped, within the energy shield.
The Fylari duo exits to meet Fess, who has loaded cannons with energy spheres extracted from the temple. Using this new weapon, they destroy a Republic transport in the sky. Inside, the Jedi are devising a plan to escape the energy shield. Cere uses the Force to hurl a rock outside the shield, striking one of the statues. The statues immediately react, converging on the shield and striking it from all sides.
Outside, Republic transports retaliate, attempting to disable the Fylari's new cannons. Fess points out that striking one of the spheres within the temple could cause significant damage. Inside, the statues overwhelm the energy shield, and the statues close in on the Jedi. As they prepare to defend themselves, a shot from a Republic cruiser penetrates the temple ceiling, hitting one of the statues and destroying one of the energy spheres in the process.
The Jedi manage to escape the temple as Fess tries to persuade Neralli to surrender, but she refuses. Another explosion, triggered by the chain reaction of the energy spheres, sends Master Odu to his death. The explosion also propels a large piece of rock towards the Fylari, but Cere and Eno use the Force to halt and divert the rock, saving them. A ship arrives to pick up the Jedi, but some of the Fylari freedom fighters choose to remain behind with the planet as the region begins to collapse.

Upon returning to the Jedi Temple, Cere and Eno enter the council chamber to report on their mission. Cere offers no excuses, but the council reassures her, highlighting the positive aspects. While not a victory, the corrupt Ontotho government is being addressed in the Republic courts, and a new joint government will replace it. Despite the mission's lack of success, the council deems Cere worthy of becoming a full Jedi Knight.
Cere joins her former master as equals in the Jedi Library, where he congratulates her on her knighthood. Eno states that he will now focus more on the discoveries they made in the temple, and where they could possibly lead.
Years later, around 14 BBY, the Inquisitor discovers a datapad that Eno had lost during the mission on Ontotho. Knowing that, she realizes that they must now search for Cere and someone named Cal Kestis on Bogano, identifying the Inquisitor as the Second Sister.
- UPC 759606094721; December 4 , 2019 ; Marvel Comics ; First printing [1] 00511; Cover A; Will Sliney & Dono Sánchez-Almara 00521; Cover B; Paul Renaud