Jeyell, a planet within the Mid Rim Territories region and situated in the Near Perlemian sector, fell under the control of the Rebel Alliance during their unsuccessful Mid Rim Offensive. Subsequently, it was abandoned in 2 ABY due to a counter-offensive launched by the Galactic Empire. In 4 ABY, following the spread of rumors concerning a high-ranking rebel figure heading towards the Near Perlemian, Cynabar's InfoNet included Jeyell, along with three other planets, in a news report as possible locations of rebel activity. By 4 ABY, the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer known as the Overseer engaged and triumphed over several EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigates at Jeyell.
Located within the Mid Rim Territories and specifically in the Near Perlemian area is the planet known as Jeyell.

During the Galactic Civil War that pitted the Galactic Empire against the Rebel Alliance, Jeyell, previously under Imperial control, was seized by Alliance forces during the Mid Rim Offensive initiated around 1 ABY. However, the campaign's failure due to Imperial counterattacks in 2 ABY necessitated the Alliance troops' retreat to stronger positions. Jeyell, alongside Charros IV, Durkteel, Ord Tiddell, Pothor, and Trasse, was scheduled for evacuation, with the Empire expected to quickly reclaim these planets.
A classified document summarizing this situation was created by General Carlist Rieekan for the Alliance Commander-in-Chief Mon Mothma, mentioning Jeyell and the other five worlds. Rieekan noted that some local revolutionaries would evacuate with the Alliance, while others would remain to resist the Empire. This document was eventually acquired by archivist Hendri Underholt and included in The Rebel Files, a collection of non-electronic records.
In 4 ABY, Underholt journeyed to Durkteel as a decoy for Mothma, a mission designed to divert Imperial attention from the Alliance's preparations for the attack on the Empire's second Death Star superweapon. Following Alliance-leaked rumors of a high-ranking rebel leader's journey toward the Near Perlemian, the Cynabar's InfoNet news channel issued a report identifying Jeyell, Durkteel, Ord Tiddell, and Trasse as potential sites for a new rebel headquarters or summit. Underholt added this report to The Rebel Files, but soon after, they met their death when the Empire bombarded their position on Durkteel.

By 4 ABY, the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Overseer found itself facing a greater number of EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigates at Jeyell. In spite of being outnumbered, the Overseer prevailed, destroying its adversaries in the Battle of Jeyell. This battle, along with an engagement at Pothor, brought a certain level of recognition to the Star Destroyer. Following these two battles, the Overseer underwent a thorough inspection and refitting.
Jeyell was incorporated into the official Star Wars canon through the 2017 reference book and boxed set, Star Wars: The Rebel Files, penned by Daniel Wallace. The planet Jeyell originally appeared in the Star Wars Legends continuity, first mentioned within "Galaxywide NewsNets," a section of the May 1995 sixth issue of West End Games' Star Wars Adventure Journal. This segment was written by Paul Sudlow.