Kathol sector

The Kathol sector represented a sector situated within the Outer Rim Territories, sharing a border with the Minos Cluster. During the High Republic Era, this sector was incorporated into the Galactic Republic's Galactic Frontier exploration zone. Following its creation in 230 BBY, the Kathol sector was among the ten sectors that comprised the Occlusion Zone, all of which were isolated by a barrier that impeded hyperspace navigation.


The space sector referred to as the Kathol sector was located in the Outer Rim Territories. Its position adjacent to the Minos Cluster meant it shared a border, and it also shared a name with the Kathol Rift region.


Harli Cogra documented the formation of the Occlusion Zone, of which the Kathol sector was a part, in Chronicles of the Jedi.

During the High Republic Era, the Galactic Republic designated the Galactic Frontier as a region for exploration, encompassing a part of the Outer Rim where the Kathol sector was located, due to its distance from the center of the galaxy. The Occlusion Zone was formed in 230 BBY by the Nihil marauder group. This zone was situated in the Outer Rim's Frontier, behind the Stormwall barrier that prevented hyperspace travel.

Being one of the ten sectors comprising the Occlusion Zone's perimeter, the Kathol sector was effectively separated from the rest of Republic space, forcing its inhabitants to offer pay as tributes to the Nihil. Subsequently, Weeks later, in 229 BBY, the Vurk Jedi Master Harli Cogra authored a book titled Chronicles of the Jedi, which provided details on the Jedi of the High Republic Era. Cogra's afterword expressed regret over the Nihil's creation of this region and its impact on the ten sectors.

Behind the scenes

In the current canon, the Kathol sector was first identified in the first issue of the 2023 Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures comic series.

Within the current Star Wars canon, the ten sectors that established the Occlusion Zone were initially referenced, although unnamed, in a flashback featured in the second issue of the Star Wars: The High Republic: Eye of the Storm comic-book miniseries. Charles Soule was the writer of this issue, which Marvel Comics published on March 2, 2022 as a component of Phase I of the Star Wars: The High Republic project. The first issue of the 2023 Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures comic series identified the Kathol sector by name, confirming its place among the Occlusion Zone sectors, using a map. Daniel José Older wrote the issue, Harvey Tolibao and Nick Brokenshire provided the illustrations, and Dark Horse Comics released it as part of Phase III on December 6, 2023.

The Kathol sector was initially introduced within the Star Wars Legends continuity, appearing first in Galaxy Guide 2: Yavin and Bespin, Second Edition. Jonatha Ariadne Caspian authored the sourcebook for West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, which was published in 1995, around July of that year. The sector received its initial full depiction in Timothy Zahn's short story "The Saga Begins" and various roleplaying adventures, all incorporated into The DarkStryder Campaign, a collection of Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game materials released by West End Games on July 17, 1995.

