Krynodd was a criminal from the Gabdorin species, identified as male, who made his home on the desert planet of Jakku.
At some point between the years of 21 BBY and 34 ABY, Krynodd made an attempt to locate the Arrow. The Arrow was a small Imperial shuttle, rumored to have been recently discovered after a storm, that had crashed in the Starship Graveyard situated on Jakku. Krynood began harassing two residents of Niima Outpost: first, Bobbajo, who was a crittermonger, and then Carina, a farmer of happabore. However, on both occasions, he was stopped by Jaylin, a scavenger, and her companion. Out of gratitude, Bobbajo and Carina gave Jaylin the information she needed to find the Arrow. Krynodd also managed to find the ship's location and boarded the shuttle accompanied by a security droid. But, Jaylin outsmarted him, successfully starting the ship and leaving Jakku.
Krynodd was a long-time rival of the Crolute named Unkar Plutt, and he desired to usurp his position as the junk boss of Niima Outpost. Krynodd made three attempts to seize control of the outpost, but each time he was prevented by Unkar's thugs. In 33 ABY, his opportunity finally arrived when Plutt was kidnapped by the Zendiat Collective, who invaded the Outpost to abduct the junk boss. Krynodd then confidently entered the Outpost with his bodyguards and proclaimed himself the new boss. He quickly demonstrated that he was an even more unpleasant leader than the Crolute, even speaking condescendingly to Constable Zuvio. Krynodd also knocked over Bobbajo when the latter accidentally bumped into him. Later, after Rey rescued Plutt, Plutt threatened to deal with Krynodd severely and reclaim his business.
Krynodd is a character in the comic "Better the Devil You Know, Part I," which was published in the IDW comic issue Star Wars Adventures (2017) 1. Cavan Scott wrote the comic, Derek Charm provided the art, and it was released on September 6, 2017.