The narrative "Better the Devil You Know, Part I" centers on the escapades of Rey on the desert planet of Jakku. The plot revolves around the abduction of Unkar Plutt. This initial segment of the story was the main feature in the debut issue of Star Wars Adventures (2017) 1, released on September 6, 2017.
On the Inner Rim planet called Jakku, Rey defended herself from thieves using her quarterstaff. Earlier that day, she was riding her speeder when she discovered a wrecked starship in the vast desert. Dismounting her speeder, she ventured inside the derelict vessel. She was scavenging for valuable small parts within the ship, hoping that the junk boss, Unkar Plutt, would compensate her with ration packs in exchange. During her scavenging, Rey became aware of two thugs approaching her from behind, demanding she hand over her comlink. She swiftly knocked one thug down with her staff and tripped the other before they could fire upon her. However, a stray blaster bolt from one of the thugs struck a power relay, initiating a catastrophic chain reaction that gave them only a brief window to escape. Rey and the thugs ceased their conflict and managed to jump clear of the ship just before it exploded. The explosion also destroyed the thug's speeder, leaving them stranded in the Starship Graveyard, while Rey made her escape on her own speeder.
When Rey got to Niima Outpost, she sensed that something was amiss. She inquired with "Crusher" Roodown about the situation, and he informed her that Unkar Plutt had been abducted by marauders under the command of a man named Zool Zendiat. They forcefully entered Niima Outpost, using blaster fire, and seized Plutt. Rey also asked why they had kidnapped him, and Zuvio explained that they were searching for an old J9 worker drone that Rey had sold to Plutt some months prior. Their conversation was interrupted by the Gabdorin Krynodd, who cautioned Zuvio to stay out of it and declared himself the new junk boss. Krynodd had long desired to control Niima Outpost and finally saw his opportunity. As Krynodd spoke with Zuvio and Rey, Bobbajo inadvertently bumped into him. Krynodd pushed Bobbajo, causing him to fall. Rey rushed to help Bobbajo, who called out to his animals as they scattered. She chased after a bloggin, caught it, and returned it to Bobbajo. Bobbajo offered Rey his corn-cluster as a reward, Rey was surprised that Unkar Plutt would let him have one but Bobbajo reminded her that Unkar was no longer in charge.
Nearby on Zool Zendiat's starship, the Fortune, Zool, wielding a vibro-knife, repeatedly questioned Unkar Plutt about the whereabouts of the J9 unit he was seeking, specifically asking if Unkar had disassembled the droid, including its head. Unkar Plutt initially claimed that the J9 did not have a head, but then he recalled the droid. Zool Zendiat then pressed him to reveal who currently possessed the droid.
At Rey's home she searched around until she located the head of the J9 droid. Later that night, Rey was riding on her speeder when a large birds flew over her. Rey followed it and found Unkar Plutt lying on the ground, while Zool threatened to feed Plutt to the birds if he did not tell him where the droid was.