Kyle Katarn's third lightsaber

After becoming a member of the Jedi Praxeum located on Yavin 4, Kyle Katarn, a Jedi Battlemaster, constructed and wielded this blue-bladed lightsaber. Subsequent to his departure from the Jedi Order, he relinquished it, only to reclaim it during the Empire Reborn conflict. This particular lightsaber was characterized by an elongated hilt and featured a dual handgrip design.


Creation and Initial Abandonment

Following his descent to the dark side on Dromund Kaas at some point, Katarn enrolled in the Jedi Praxeum and fashioned his own lightsaber as a replacement for the one he had confiscated from the Dark Jedi known as Yun. Despite his participation in the Praxeum—which he initiated out of concern for succumbing to the dark side once more—Katarn grew apprehensive when both Gantoris and Kyp Durron embraced the dark side. In an effort to avert the possibility of a relapse, Katarn entrusted his lightsaber to Luke Skywalker and departed from the Praxeum, resuming his mercenary activities alongside his partner, Jan Ors.

Empire Reborn Crisis

Return to the Praxeum

Nevertheless, when the Dark Jedi Desann purportedly caused the death of Jan during a mission to Artus Prime, Kyle, driven by vengeance, made his way back to the Praxeum to retrieve his lightsaber. Skywalker stipulated that, in order to reclaim it, he would need to successfully navigate the Praxeum's rigorous training course. Upon his triumph, Katarn embarked on a quest to locate Jan.

Nar Shaddaa

Katarn's lightsaber remained a valuable asset on Nar Shaddaa, where he employed it to coerce a bartender into divulging the whereabouts of the crime lord Reelo Baruk. The bartender then signaled the cantina's hired guns, who launched an assault on Katarn. Wielding only his lightsaber, Katarn skillfully subdued the mercenaries and recovered his weaponry—including his customized Bryar pistol. He then re-engaged with the bartender, who revealed that Baruk was operating a scrap yard. Battling his way through the scrap yard, Katarn liberated Lando Calrissian and vanquished Baruk.

Cloud City

Subsequently, Katarn journeyed to Cloud City on Bespin, which was under siege by Desann's forces. Traversing the city's lower levels, Katarn encountered a Reborn—a Dark Jedi empowered by the Valley of the Jedi. Katarn triumphed over the Reborn, along with numerous other Force-sensitive individuals throughout the city, until he confronted Tavion Axmis, Desann's apprentice. Katarn defeated her and threatened her life, but ultimately spared her when Tavion disclosed that Jan was still alive.

Cairn and the Doomgiver

Katarn duels a pair of Reborn.

Katarn infiltrated a freighter bound for the Lenico Belt, where Admiral Galak Fyyar was conducting a mining operation. Upon arrival, Katarn encountered Skywalker, who expressed concern over Kyle's discovery that Desann was extracting cortosis—a material resistant to lightsabers. Together, Katarn and Skywalker repelled an attack by a squad of Reborn, after which they separated. Before departing aboard Fyyar's vessel, the Doomgiver, Katarn witnessed a confrontation between Skywalker and Desann.

While aboard the Doomgiver, Katarn contacted Rogue Squadron, then engaged in combat with a group of Desann's Shadowtroopers, whose armor was reinforced with cortosis. Following this encounter, he rescued Jan, and the two parted ways—Katarn proceeded towards the shield generator, while Jan headed for the escape pods. After deactivating the generator, Katarn fought Fyyar, ultimately defeating him.

Yavin 4

Katarn using the saber in Medium style.

Katarn and Jan touched down on Yavin, and Katarn advanced towards the Praxeum, overcoming numerous stormtroopers and swamptroopers, as well as several more Shadowtroopers. Once inside the Praxeum, Katarn provided assistance to several Jedi students in their battles against Reborn and Shadowtroopers. Eventually, Katarn confronted Desann, and the two engaged in a duel. In the end, Desann was defeated, and his Reborn were apprehended. Although Skywalker offered to take Katarn's lightsaber back, Katarn decided to retain it for the time being.

Alzoc III

Shortly thereafter, Katarn and Jan investigated an outpost on Alzoc III, where Katarn battled another Reborn. After the mission concluded, Katarn returned to the hangar and discovered Jan surrounded by Imperials. After eliminating the stormtroopers, Katarn confronted the officer, who threatened Jan's life. However, Jan surprised the Imperial, and both she and Katarn managed to escape Alzoc III.

Behind the scenes

The hilt of Kyle Katarn's third lightsaber can be used in Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy multiplayer. It is named Katarn, after it's owner. However, you will need cheats or modifications to use the hilt in single player.

