Kylo Ren's TIE silencer, a TIE/vn space superiority fighter, saw action with Kylo Ren during the conflict between the First Order and the Resistance, also known as the First Order's war. The detailed reports Ren provided after piloting the TIE silencer enabled Sienar-Jaemus Fleet Systems to further develop its internal systems.
Ren's choice to engage his adversaries in the silencer upheld two distinct legacies: the Imperial custom of entrusting prototype starfighters to elite pilots, a tradition that saw Ren follow in the footsteps of renowned Imperial pilots like Vult Skerris and Darth Vader; and the familial precedent that, as the son of Han Solo and the grandson of Anakin Skywalker, the former Ben Solo possessed an innate aptitude within the cockpit.
Like other TIE/vn space superiority fighters, the TIE silencer was known for its impressive speed and aggressive capabilities, in addition to its laser cannons and missile launchers. The silencer evoked design elements of the Galactic Empire's TIE/IN interceptor, TIE Advanced x1, and TIE/d "Defender" Multi-Role Starfighter. It also incorporated specialized flight controls tailored to its test pilot.

Kylo Ren, the Supreme Leader [Snoke](/article/snoke]'s apprentice, demonstrated exceptional piloting skills, inheriting the talent of his father Han Solo and grandfather Anakin Skywalker. Drawing upon his piloting expertise, he conducted field tests on a unique starfighter known as the TIE silencer, continuing a tradition of Imperial ace pilots, such as Vult Skerris and Darth Vader, who piloted prototype fighters. Sienar-Jaemus Fleet Systems developed the craft, using Ren's comprehensive post-flight analyses to enhance the vessel's internal systems. Ren employed the silencer in his endeavor to destroy the Resistance.
In 34 ABY, Ren participated in the First Order's attack against the Resistance fleet soon after the evacuation of D'Qar. Accompanied by three TIE/sf space superiority fighters, he utilized the TIE silencer to obliterate the Raddus's starboard hangar, killing numerous Resistance pilots, including Tallissan Lintra, before proceeding to target the bridge. However, he couldn't engage his target because his mother, General Leia Organa, was present on the bridge during the time of the assault. Subsequently, Ren was compelled to navigate his starfighter back to the Supremacy following the advice of General Armitage Hux, as the Resistance fleet managed to outpace the First Order flagship, leaving him vulnerable without support. The following year, Ren instead piloted a TIE whisper.
The creation and development of Kylo Ren's TIE silencer took place for Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi, the eighth installment in the Star Wars saga, which premiered on December 15, 2017. The ship's official unveiling occurred on The Star Wars Show on July 19, 2017. However, before the film's release, Kylo Ren's TIE silencer made its debut in the video game Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes on November 9, 2017.
Originally, the Industrial Light & Magic VFX team intended for Kylo Ren's TIE silencer to include missile pods on its underside that could be launched. However, VFX supervisor Mike Mullholland disclosed that during the film's initial stages, director Rian Johnson received an early prototype of the TIE silencer's toy version from Hasbro, leading the VFX team to redesign the fighter.
Kylo Ren's TIE silencer, often shortened to TIE Silencer, was introduced as a playable vessel in the 2015 mobile game Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes in 2017, which incorporates characters and ships from both the canon and Legends timelines.