Lunae Minx

Lunae Minx, characterized by her purple complexion, was a Twi'lek who made an appearance at the Outlander Club located on the planet of Coruscant during the year 22 BBY. While in the company of the enslaved Twi'lek Ayy Vida and the swindler Achk Med-Beq at their table, Minx's gaze was caught by the Jedi Anakin Skywalker as he was in the process of searching for the bounty hunter known as Zam Wesell.


As a Twi'lek, Lunae Minx frequented the Outlander Club, situated within the Uscru Entertainment District of Coruscant, a bustling planet, in 22 BBY. During her visit to the club, Minx could be found at a table alongside her fellow Twi'lek, Ayy Vida—who was enslaved to the crime lord Hat Lo—and the human Achk Med-Beq, a con artist who was disguised as a member of the Republic Security Force. The arrival of Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi and his Padawan, Anakin Skywalker, who were pursuing the escaping bounty hunter Zam Wesell, led Skywalker to pass by Minx's table. He then gestured towards the trio, capturing the attention of both Minx and Med-Beq as he continued his search.

Lunae Minx was a patron of the Outlander Club.

Minx once again observed Skywalker when he approached their table a second time. This occurred shortly before Kenobi fatally struck down Wesell after she attempted to attack him at the club's bar. With beverages in their hands, Minx, Vida, and Med-Beq, along with the other patrons, turned their attention to the altercation. Skywalker, attempting to dismiss their interest, declared the matter "Jedi business" before he and Kenobi escorted the wounded bounty hunter out of the club.

Personality and traits

Lunae Minx possessed purple skin marked with a mottled pattern, and her eyes were brown.


While present at the Outlander Club, Minx was seen wearing a black dress.

Behind the scenes

Lunae Minx was portrayed by Katie Lucas.

Lunae Minx made an appearance in the 2002 film Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones, part of the prequel trilogy. She was portrayed by Katie Lucas, who is the daughter of director George Lucas. After viewing some pictures, Katie collaborated with costume designer Trisha Biggar to create her costume for the film, with the intention of wearing something somewhat alluring at the club. The makeup process for the costume required nearly six hours, which included coloring all the way down the arms, with spots airbrushed onto the Twi'lek's lekku. As a result, Katie's call time was three in the morning, with makeup lasting until around seven, and shooting beginning two hours later on Stage 3 at Fox Studios, Sydney on July 17, 2000.

Within the current Star Wars canon, Minx's name was verified by Lucasfilm Story Group member Pablo Hidalgo via Twitter on January 27, 2022. The name was initially used in the Star Wars Legends continuity, appearing in the Databank entries for Vida and Med-Beq in 2002. Minx was previously known by fans as "Nabrina Smoo."

