Maridun system

The Maridun system, a star system situated in the Outer Rim Territories' Rolion sector, was a remote location. Within this system resided the planet Maridun, orbited by a solitary star. Its position on the Standard Galactic Grid was at grid square Q-6. During the Clone Wars, a conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, the Maridun system existed within neutral space.

During the Clone Wars period, some members of the Lurmen species sought refuge in the Maridun system, fleeing the conflict on their home planet Mygeeto and seeking peace. Later, in 21 BBY, General Lok Durd, a Neimoidian leading the Separatist Droid Army, invaded Maridun to test a new weapon on the planet's wildlife, including the Lurmen. However, Republic forces, who had previously crash-landed on Maridun following a battle, aided in the defense_of_maridun of the Lurmen, preventing their annihilation, which led to the weapon's destruction and Durd's capture.

Behind the scenes

The Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series featured the Maridun system for the first time in "Jedi Crash," which was the thirteenth episode of the first season. It was broadcast on January 16, 2009. Later, in the 2015 reference book titled Ultimate Star Wars, the system was formally identified. In Star Wars Legends continuity, the Maridun system was initially identified within The Essential Atlas. This reference book was written by Jason Fry and Daniel Wallace, and its publication date was August 18, 2009.

