Within the Stormtrooper Corps of the Galactic Empire, a squad known as Task Force 99 included a Special Commando Advanced Recon Trooper nicknamed "Mic". As the squad's dedicated slicer, Mic possessed the ability to infiltrate and decrypt enemy computer networks. He was an active participant in Task Force 99's assignment on the Ghost Moon, where their objective was to kill a group of Rebels who were in hiding.
Mic's service with Task Force 99 spanned years, during which he developed strong bonds with his fellow stormtrooper specialists. Following the death of Task Force 99's previous sergeant, the team found themselves under the leadership of Sergeant Kreel. Early in Kreel's command, an Alliance to Restore the Republic shuttle suffered a crash landing on the Ghost Moon, prompting Kreel and his squad to investigate the reasons behind its presence in such an isolated location. Mic joined his squadmates in the deployment, but soon separated from the group upon discovering that the wrecked Rebel vessel had already been abandoned. Kreel instructed him to remain behind and extract any useful data from the ship's terminals, with Shrap providing security. While Shrap eventually rejoined the rest of the squad, Mic stayed behind, communicating that circumventing the Rebel encryption would require several more days. However, the squad managed to circumvent the delay by capturing Admiral Verette, who quickly yielded under interrogation.
Verette divulged information about a clandestine Rebel scheme to seize control of the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer known as the Harbinger. This operation had been jointly conceived by Leia Organa and Luke Skywalker, and Admiral Verette was en route to rendezvous with them and assume command of the Star Destroyer when he was apprehended by the SCAR squad. After sharing this critical information, the squad promptly notified Darth Vader, who dispatched them to reclaim the hijacked vessel.
For several days, the Task Force conducted reconnaissance on the Harbinger before launching their assault. Their initial tactic involved strapping the captured Admiral Verette to the exterior of his own shuttle and launching it towards the ship as a diversion. While Luke Skywalker and Sana Starros were investigating the approaching shuttle, Zuke and his team stealthily piloted a Lambda-class T-4a shuttle into one of the Star Destroyer's numerous unguarded access points, confident that with over half of the ship's scanners non-functional, and the Rebels operating with a reduced crew, their entry would go unnoticed.
Once the Harbinger arrived at its destination, Tureen VII, Mic initiated his efforts to infiltrate the ship's computer systems, aiming to regain control of vital subsystems and isolate the Rebels' command over the vessel. Despite his expertise, he consistently met his match, as his hacking attempts were countered by the astromech droid R2-D2, who not only blocked him from the controls but also took manual control of the ship's navigation after Mic's squadmate Zuke damaged the controls, leaving Han Solo unable to pilot the ship.
Before he could seize control of the ship from Artoo, Sana Starros launched a surprise attack on Mic, forcefully removing him from the control panel and propelling him into an escape pod, which she promptly ejected, setting the stage for a one-on-one confrontation with Cav. Mic was eventually retrieved from the escape pod, and although Darth Vader expressed his displeasure with Kreel and his team for their failure to thwart the Rebels, they managed to avoid his full wrath by presenting the captured protocol droid C-3PO as evidence that the SCAR team "never comes home empty handed".
After Trusk Berinato alerted them to the Rebel Alliance's presence, SCAR squadron confronted the rebels on the mineral planet Crait. Despite engaging the rebels, SCAR Squad was defeated, although they did manage to escape.