Milan Stor was a human who subscribed to the tenets of the Path of the Open Hand, a religious cult. When the Path met its violent end on the planet Dalna in 382 BBY, Stor was unaware of this catastrophic event because they were disseminating the Path's doctrines throughout the Galactic Frontier at that time. Sometime between the Path's demise and approximately 381 BBY, they were among the Path's adherents located by Marda Ro—a former member of the Path—who extended an invitation for them to join her marauder band. Stor was among the select few who accepted this proposition.
After joining the group, Ro introduced them to a beast referred to as the Great Leveler. Stor collaborated with the Twi'lek Fori Nagor, and together they utilized Nagor's ship for acts of theft and smuggling. Around 379 BBY, Stor was present aboard Ro's starship, the Gaze Electric, where they participated in feeding the Leveler a Jedi whom Ro had attacked and brought back to the vessel. Stor and Nagor occasionally partnered with the Kessurian duo Esstrop and Kortanio on larger-scale raids, including one that occurred no earlier than 379 BBY. During this raid, they captured refugees, which incited Ro's fury, leading her to order their release.
Milan Stor, a human, became affiliated with the cult known as the Path of the Open Hand at some point prior to or during 382 BBY. In their dedication to the Path, they ventured into the Galactic Frontier to spread its teachings, which resulted in them being away from the cult's home planet Dalna when the group's downfall transpired during the Night of Sorrow in 382 BBY. Oblivious to the Path's destruction, they persisted in their service to the cult. Sometime between the Path's dissolution and approximately 381 BBY, they were among the limited number of scattered Path members located by Marda Ro—a former member of the cult. She fabricated a narrative regarding the Path's demise and presented them with the option of joining her group of pirates—who would eventually evolve into the Nihil—or ceasing all Path-related activities. Stor was among the minority who opted to join Ro.

Following Stor's recruitment, Ro escorted them to her ship, the Gaze Electric. There, she unveiled the Great Leveler—a monster that sustained itself by feeding on the Living Force. Ro clarified that they were now the Leveler's custodians and were tasked with overseeing it so that it could eventually devour those who misused the Force. She further stated that the group lacked a narrative to convey to the galaxy or a shared religious belief, and that their sole objective was survival.
While serving Ro, Stor collaborated with the Twi'lek Fori Nagor, and the pair utilized Nagor's ship to identify opportunities for theft and smuggling. On occasion, they would collaborate with the Kessurian partners Esstrop and Kortanio and execute larger-scale raids.
Around 379 BBY, Stor was aboard the Gaze Electric when Ro returned to the ship via a shuttle, which contained a severely injured Jedi in its hold. As per Ro's instructions, they entered the shuttle upon its landing, accompanied by Rox and Alirya—other subordinates of Ro. Upon entering, Stor and the others noticed the Jedi's body and stared at it. Ro ordered them to take the Jedi and led them to the Gaze's medical observation room where the Great Leveler was caged.

Stor and Rox dragged the Jedi there and Rox dropped him next to a containment shield. Ro deactivated the shield, releasing the Leveler and enabling it to feast on the Jedi. The Leveler transformed him into a stone-like husk and, while Ro observed the entire process, Stor eventually averted their gaze. Subsequently, Ro proceeded to her throne hall, while Stor departed to establish the Gaze's subsequent course, which Alirya communicated to Ro after visiting her in the throne hall.
At some point no earlier than 379 BBY, Stor, Nagor, Esstrop, and Kortanio raided a camp of refugees and captured the refugees themselves, as they possessed no valuables for the pirates to seize. Upon returning to the Gaze Electric, Nagor presented the refugees to Ro, who was incensed by their actions. She commanded Nagor to release the refugees, with the exception of a Force-sensitive green-skinned man whom Ro delivered to the Great Leveler.
Stor was later referenced by Ro in a message she recorded for her descendants, where she emphasized the significance of perpetuating their name. By 252 BBY, during his formative years, Ro's great-great-grandson Marchion Ro had listened to her journal, including the segments where Stor was mentioned.
In one of the entries in her chronicles, Ro noted that Stor was a superior pilot compared to herself, although she anticipated this would soon change.
Milan Stor made an appearance in a flashback within the short story "A Closed Fist Has No Claws," penned by Tessa Gratton and featured in the 2023 young-adult anthology The High Republic: Tales of Light and Life as an element of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia endeavor.