The central location of power, the throne hall, was established on the Gaze Electric, the personal starship of Evereni pirate chieftain Marda Ro. Concealed beneath its flooring was a clandestine compartment brimming with weapons, and it boasted a throne integrated with a holo-mirror. This hall served as the backdrop for numerous dialogues between Ro and her assistant, Alirya. In the aftermath of one such exchange circa 379 BBY, Ro, inspired by the pattern of a Jedi's blood left on her attire, created a significant red sun painting. On another occasion, the Twi'lek raider Fori Nagor presented Ro with a group of captured refugees, a joint acquisition by her and her fellow pirates, which included a Force-sensitive green-skinned man. Recognizing the man's connection to the Force, Ro instructed Nagor to free the other captives and escorted the man to another section of the vessel, the location of the Great Leveler—a creature preying on the Living Force.
Subsequently, the hall hosted a meeting between Ro and the Evereni siblings Vika and Velya Faer. A few days later, it was the setting for a celebratory feast during which Alirya attempted to kill Vika, aiming to safeguard her position alongside Ro. This assassination attempt failed, leading to Alirya's death at Vika's hands. In retaliation, Ro used a blaster to shoot Vika. At a later point, Ro referenced this room in a recording intended for her descendants, a recording that her great-great-grandson Marchion Ro accessed by 252 BBY.
The throne hall resided within the Gaze Electric, a starship under the command of Marda Ro, the Evereni figure who initiated a pirate faction that would later evolve into the Nihil. Its design featured sleek, radiant walls and black buttresses that shimmered like starlight. Aged blue banners adorned the hall's interior. In its earlier days, when the ship was associated with the Path of the Open Hand, a cult Ro had once been a part of, the throne hall was embellished with the Path's symbols. However, after Ro took control of the Gaze, she obscured these symbols with handprints.
The room was furnished with a throne where Ro would often rest. Its dimensions were suited for beings larger than the Evereni, resulting in Ro not fully occupying the seat. The throne included a holo-mirror and a storage compartment, where Ro kept her blaster and a stolen lightsaber. A hidden compartment beneath the hall's floor contained a variety of weapons, including blasters, cannons, knives, and a sword. When feeling vulnerable, Ro would seek solace on the floor above this hidden cache.
Around 379 BBY, Ro replaced the banners by smearing the blood of a Jedi she had attacked onto the wall behind her throne, symbolizing a red sun. The blood remained on the wall for a considerable period, changing in hue from red to a reddish-brown. Sometime before Ro's meeting with the Evereni siblings Vika and Velya Faer in the hall, she painted a sizable red vortex over the former bloodstain. This painting depicted a storm-ridden planet with swirling lines and reached a height equivalent to ten Evereni. By the time the three Evereni met, the throne hall was equipped with holo-torches and holo-torches that bathed the hall in a dim blue light.
After acquiring the Gaze Electric in 382 BBY, Ro established her residence in the throne hall. During the subsequent year, she unearthed the concealed weapons cache beneath the hall. While she largely left the arsenal untouched, she did remove a few blasters for her use.
Around 379 BBY, Ro ambushed a Jedi on an astronomical object and transported him to the Gaze to be killed by the Great Leveler, a monster that consumed the Force. After witnessing the Jedi's transformation into a stone-like husk under the Leveler's influence, Ro returned to the throne room to store her blaster and the Jedi's lightsaber in the throne's compartment. She then activated the throne's holo-mirror to examine the Jedi's blood on her clothing, only to be interrupted by her assistant, Alirya. Ro's outburst directed at Alirya inadvertently created a sun-like blood smudge on her chest. Subsequently, she heard the ghosts of the dead calling her name and only regained her senses after Alirya's scream. Alirya approached Ro, and they engaged in a brief conversation before Alirya departed. Ro, now alone, tore down the hall's blue banners to create a large red sun painting on the wall.
Sometime after 379 BBY, Ro's raiders attacked a refugee camp and abducted the refugees. Upon returning to the Gaze Electric, Fori Nagor, one of the pirates, presented the captured refugees to Ro in the throne hall. Ro, furious at her raiders' actions, scrutinized the refugees. She inquired if any of them were Force-sensitive. As she waited for a response, Alirya approached and knelt beside her. When no refugee admitted to possessing Force abilities, Ro threatened them, leading a green-skinned man to confess his Force-sensitivity. Ro thanked him and announced that the other refugees could join her group if they wished, or else they would be released at the next spaceport. She then confronted Nagor, threatening her with a knife to prevent future captures of living beings, and instructed her to remove all refugees except the man. After Nagor and Alirya left the throne hall with the refugees, Ro and the man were left alone. He thanked Ro, who then led him to the Great Leveler.
Later, Ro ordered her raiders to remain hidden on the Gaze and steered the ship away from known systems after an incident that resulted in the deaths of two members of Nagor's team. During this period, Alirya brought Ro tea as she sat on her throne. They drank the tea and discussed the marauder group's purpose, with Alirya seeking clarity on Ro's future plans. Ro, surprised by Alirya's inquiry, revealed her plan to recruit more individuals and acquire more resources until they could achieve their desires. She also explained that the group had evolved into something distinct from the Path of the Open Hand, which they had both been affiliated with.
Following this conversation, Ro painted a large red vortex on the wall where the Jedi's blood had been. Shortly thereafter, she successfully located Vika and Velya Faer during her hunt for others of her species. She intercepted them at a space dock orbiting the gas giant Siquay and extended an invitation while her ships surrounded them. Ro observed the siblings' ship, briefly considering the possibility of them fleeing, which would have resulted in the ship's destruction. The Faers cautiously accepted Ro's offer, and she awaited their arrival in the hall, which was dimly illuminated by holo-torches and holo-suns. Raiders under Ro's command entered the hall in teams, with Esstrop and Kortanio escorting the Faers. Alirya also entered, walking past the pirates to stand beside Ro. Ro greeted the Faers, inviting them to stay aboard the Gaze for a few days, and Vika introduced herself and her brother. Vika also disclosed that their grandmother was acquainted with Ro's family and requested to discuss it further over a meal.
The siblings remained on the Gaze for several days, participating in raids with Ro's pirates. Upon their return, a feast was held in the throne hall to celebrate their safe return. Tables and benches were brought into the hall, and a member of Nagor's team prepared fresh finger cakes for the occasion. A multilayered Corellian opera played, and everyone aboard the Gaze dined together in the hall. However, Ro remained apart, eating on her throne. Vika Faer placed a chair next to Ro's throne and brought a small plate of finger cakes. Faer and Ro engaged in a brief conversation as Ro sampled one of the cakes.
Alirya stealthily approached Faer from behind, unnoticed by either of the Evereni women. Alirya stabbed Faer, who survived the attack and retaliated by sinking her claws into Alirya's throat, resulting in the human's death and shocking the surrounding raiders. Ro, equally shocked by the death, responded by shooting Faer with a blaster. Turning the blaster towards Velya Faer, Ro spoke with him before offering him Alirya's former position by her side. Despite his hesitation and anger over his sister's death, Faer accepted and took Ro's hand. The two Evereni then stood in the hall, digging their claws into each other's wrists and allowing their blood to drip onto the floor.
The raiders eventually departed, and the bodies were removed, leaving Ro and Faer alone. They sat at a table, drinking tea and discussing Evereni they had encountered. Ro mentioned an Evereni she had met on the planet Ryloth and wondered why he refused to reveal his name. Faer speculated that he might not have wanted his name to be remembered by his people. Ro recalled that he had said that Evereni only meet in death, but Faer clarified that they also meet in the Rystan system. He also noted that her gathering people around her was unusual for an Evereni, comparing her to a ginntho creature at the center of a web.
Ro later recorded a message for her descendants, referencing the throne hall and recounting events that had transpired within it. By 252 BBY, during his youth, Ro's great-great-grandson Marchion Ro had listened to her chronicles, including the sections where the throne hall was mentioned.
The throne hall was featured in a flashback within the short story "A Closed Fist Has No Claws," authored by Tessa Gratton and included in the 2023 young-adult anthology The High Republic: Tales of Light and Life, which is part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project.