Mission to rescue Mothma

The endeavor to liberate Mothma unfolded as a critical operation aimed at freeing the Alliance's leader, Mon Mothma, following her abduction at the hands of Scarabi mercenaries. Spanning the period between 3 ABY and 4 ABY, the Alliance to Restore the Republic strategically deployed its pathfinders to ascertain her whereabouts, subsequent to the mercenaries' demand for a ransom in exchange for her safe return. The Scarabi issued a stern ultimatum to the rebels, demanding a payment of 200 million credits for Mothma's freedom, failing which they would solicit offers from external parties.

Facing the impossibility of meeting the exorbitant ransom, a solution emerged from an unlikely source: Lando Calrissian, who was then undergoing trial on suspicion of treason. Calrissian, possessing prior knowledge of the Scarabi leader, Hachi, through past collaborations, furnished the Rebel Alliance with intelligence regarding various secure locations potentially housing Mothma. With the aid of Chewbacca, Calrissian secured his participation in the perilous rescue mission alongside the rebels.

The initial safehouse encountered was rigged with treacherous droidekas, yielding no success for the Rebellion. Following the neutralization of the droideka threat, the pathfinders proceeded to investigate the second and third safehouses, both of which proved fruitless in locating Mothma. Ultimately, the rebels pinpointed Mothma's location at Safe House Four and meticulously prepared to launch their assault.

Within the confines of the safehouse, Mothma was engaged in a fervent attempt to persuade Hachi of the core principles underpinning the Rebel Alliance and the pursuit of freedom. Hachi began to entertain doubts about the justification for holding her captive, but tragically, she met her death at the hands of a fellow mercenary before she could act on her change of heart. Subsequently, Calrissian and Chewbacca arrived at Mothma's location, successfully liberating her from her captors.


Scarabi mercenaries kidnapped Mon Mothma

During the period spanning 3 ABY to 4 ABY, Chancellor Mon Mothma of the Alliance to Restore the Republic embarked on a funding mission to the planet of Uveron on behalf of the Alliance. Concurrently, she also served as a magistrate in the Trial of Lando Calrissian, who was accused of treason against the Rebel Alliance. Meanwhile, the mercenary group known as the Scarabi, under the leadership of Hachi, hatched a plot to kidnap Mothma and hold her for ransom, with the expectation of receiving a substantial payment in exchange for her release.

Mothma's abduction by the Scarabi occurred during Calrissian's trial. The kidnapping was witnessed via hologram by numerous members of Alliance High Command, who promptly dispatched Sergeant Kes Dameron and the pathfinders to Uveron City to conduct an investigation. Upon arrival, they discovered a message from the mercenaries, threatening the Rebel Alliance with a demand for a 200 million credit ransom, or else the Scarabi would entertain offers from third parties, including the Galactic Empire.

Calrissian, who also observed the kidnapping, had a history with the Scarabi, having collaborated with Hachi on previous endeavors. He subsequently met with Chewbacca, seeking his assistance in convincing Alliance High Command of the intelligence he possessed regarding safehouses owned by the Scarabi. The Wookiee presented the evidence to the rebel leaders, who reluctantly agreed to allow Calrissian to participate in the rescue operation. Calrissian would eventually come to suspect that the true mastermind behind the kidnapping was none other than his own defense lawyer, Salli Georgio, who would have been privy to his past associations with the Scarabi.

The rescue

The pathfinders destroy a droideka in the first safehouse

The rebels arrived at the first safehouse, which turned out to be a cave at an undisclosed location. While exploring the cave, Calrissian inadvertently triggered a trap, prompting a droideka to launch an attack. Calrissian managed to divert the droideka's attention long enough for a Nautolan pathfinder to neutralize it with a grenade. Subsequent scans of the safehouse confirmed that Mothma was not present. A search of the second and third safehouses yielded similar negative results.

Mothma was discovered at Safe House Four through the detection of heat signatures belonging to her and Hachi. Inside the safehouse, Mothma articulated her case to Hachi, outlining the principles for which the Rebel Alliance was fighting and the freedom that the Empire had taken from the galaxy. Hachi, initially skeptical of Mothma and the rebels, began to empathize with her. She started to believe that holding Mothma for ransom was a mistake, but before she could act to free her, Hachi was killed by another mercenary, who maintained that kidnapping Mothma was justified.

Suddenly, the rebels launched an assault on the safehouse, swiftly overwhelming the Scarabi forces. The mercenary was compelled to abandon Mothma, leaving her unguarded for Chewbacca and Calrissian to rescue her. Mothma expressed surprise at seeing Calrissian, who explained that while he might not win the trial, he desired to be a rebel and that the Alliance needed her to prevail in the war. Mothma and the rebels then returned to the flagship of the Alliance Fleet, the Home One, to resume the trial proceedings.


Calrissian's trial continued following the rescue, but he was ultimately found guilty of treason against the Rebel Alliance and fined 250 million credits, with the possibility of a reduction contingent upon the conclusion of the Galactic Civil War and Lando's contributions as a rebel.

Behind the scenes

The mission to rescue Mon Mothma made its debut in the fourty-sixth issue of the 2020 Star Wars comic series. The issue was authored by Charles Soule, illustrated by Madibek Musabekov, and published by Marvel Comics on May 22, 2024.

