Mission to Trask

A journey to the estuary moon of Trask followed the events of the mission to Tatooine. In that previous mission, Din Djarin received a task from Peli Motto: transport "Frog Lady" to her husband on the moon. The reward for this delivery was information regarding the location of a group of Mandalorians. During the trip, two New Republic X-wings identified Djarin's ship. They recognized it from the raiding of a New Republic prison ship and began to pursue him. To escape, he was forced to make an emergency landing on the planet Maldo Kreis, bringing Grogu and Frog Lady along with him.

Upon regaining consciousness after the crash, Djarin observed significant damage to the Razor Crest, including a hull breach. While he began working on repairs, Frog Lady ventured off in search of warmth, finding it in a small thermal vent pool. Djarin found her and cautioned her to stay close for protection, but they were quickly surrounded by knobby white ice spiders. Djarin deployed grenades, his blaster pistol, and a flamethrower against the swarm, but these weapons only slowed the spiders down. They were eventually trapped inside the ship's cockpit, and when Djarin attempted to take off, a much larger spider landed on the ship, causing it to crash back down.

As the enormous spider began to pierce the cockpit, a sudden burst of blaster fire rained down on the spiders. The X-wing starfighters that had been chasing Djarin had landed, and pilots Carson Teva and Trapper Wolf were using A280C blaster rifles to attack the spiders. They mentioned Djarin's outstanding arrest warrant for the prison ship heist, but also acknowledged his capture of three criminals and his risking his life for Lieutenant Lant Davan, who was killed during the raid despite Djarin's efforts. Ultimately, the pilots decided to leave Djarin alone, but warned him to acquire a transponder before taking off again. Djarin did his best to repair the Razor Crest, sealing only the cockpit, before resuming his journey to Trask in the damaged ship.

