Palo Jemabie was a male originating from Naboo. As a youth, he took part in the Legislative Youth Program alongside Padmé Amidala, developing romantic feelings for her. Their relationship ended when Jemabie chose to become an artist, while Amidala pursued a political career. After the Galactic Republic was superseded by the Galactic Empire, Jemabie received a sentence to a forced labor camp before ultimately enlisting in the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Because of his loyalty to the Rebellion, the Imperial Security Bureau captured him before the conclusion of the Galactic Civil War.

Palo Jemabie, a male with dark, curly hair, was from the planet of Naboo. He was born some years prior to 46 BBY. When he was a teenager, Jemabie was a participant in the Legislative Youth Program, where he encountered a twelve-year-old girl named Padmé Naberrie. The two were briefly romantically involved, but eventually went their separate ways as Jemabie decided to become an artist, while Naberrie started a career in government.
When Naberrie was chosen as Queen of Naboo at the age of fourteen, taking the regnal name Amidala, Jemabie designed a poster called Naboo Coronation, inviting the people of Naboo to the ceremony for their new ruler, scheduled for the 34th of Grizm, 835th Year of Kwilaan.
Shortly before the start of the Clone Wars in 22 BBY, Amidala spoke fondly to her future husband, the Jedi in training Anakin Skywalker, about her youthful romance with Jemabie. While spending time together in the beautiful rural areas of Naboo, Amidala described her first love in detail, causing Skywalker to become somewhat jealous.
At the end of the Clone Wars in 19 BBY, the democratic Galactic Republic was replaced by the Galactic Empire, a dictatorial system established by Galactic Emperor Sheev Palpatine, formerly the Republic's Supreme Chancellor. During the rule of Palpatine's New Order, Jemabie was arrested by the Coalition for Progress on the charge of unconventional musical expression and condemned to serve in a labor camp. After gaining his freedom, he joined the anti-Imperial Alliance to Restore the Republic, using his artistic abilities to create posters for the resistance. However, the Imperial Security Bureau captured and disappeared the Naboo artist before the conclusion of the Galactic Civil War.

Palo was initially mentioned in the 2002 film Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones, the second movie in the Star Wars prequel trilogy.
Originally, he was supposed to return as Amidala's love interest in "Senate Spy," the fourth episode of season two of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars TV show, but this idea was dropped early on when the team realized that Palo had left politics to become an artist. The show's creators also felt that the relationship between Amidala and the "Senate Spy" character needed to be more recent than her past relationship with Palo, so that Anakin Skywalker's jealousy would be better emphasized. Therefore, a new character, Rush Clovis, took over Palo's role as a love interest.
In his 2016 reference book, Star Wars Propaganda: A History of Persuasive Art in the Galaxy, Pablo Hidalgo gave Palo the surname "Jemabie" and provided a little more detail about his life.