Princess Leia 1 represents the inaugural issue in the five-part comic book mini-series Star Wars: Princess Leia, a canon offering from Marvel. This initial installment, penned by Mark Waid and visually brought to life by Terry Dodson's artistry, debuted on March 4, 2015, achieving the distinction of being the top-selling individual comic during that month.
The narrative commences during the award ceremony situated within the Rebel base located on Yavin 4, directly following the events concluding Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. Princess Leia Organa grapples with her responsibilities within the Rebel Alliance following the destruction of her home planet, Alderaan. Teaming up with Evaan Verlaine, a fellow survivor of Alderaanian descent, they embark on a mission to save their scattered people from the clutches of the Galactic Empire.
- When Princess Leia Organa was captured serving as a Rebel spy by the Empire, she stood firm in her beliefs, even as her home world, Alderaan, faced complete destruction. Upon her rescue, she immediately took up a blaster and joined the fight, ultimately escaping to rejoin the Rebel Alliance and contributing significantly to the Empire's defeat with the destruction of the Death Star. However, in the wake of this triumph, a crucial question arises: what defines a princess without a planet?
- Mark Waid ( Daredevil , S.H.I.E.L.D. ) and Terry Dodson ( Avengers & X-Men: Axis , Uncanny X-Men ) collaborate to present Leia's journey as she strives to aid her people and establish her role within the galaxy. [1]
Following the successful destruction of the Empire's formidable weapon, the Death Star, by Rebel pilots, the personnel stationed at Yavin 4 organized a medal ceremony to celebrate the newly recognized heroes, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and Chewbacca. Princess Leia Organa personally awards them with the Medal of Bravery. As the applause subsides, General Jan Dodonna directs a silent gaze towards Organa, signaling the conclusion of the festivities and the commencement of a period of reflection on their losses. She initiates this period by expressing gratitude to the Rebels for their bravery and sacrifices made during the Battle of Yavin. She is well aware, however, that their losses were significant—Alderaan, an entire world, had been utterly destroyed, along with Bail Organa and Queen Breha. These individuals were not only the princess' parents, but Bail also held the distinction of being a founding member of the Rebel Alliance. The Alderaanian requests a moment of silence to honor them, along with all others who perished when her homeworld was obliterated. Her hope is that they, and all other lost beings, will be remembered eternally.
General Dodonna then takes over for Organa, asserting that mourning was not the immediate priority. Given that the Empire was aware of their location, the Alliance's primary objective was to evacuate Yavin 4. The Rebel fleet from across the galaxy was converging on Yavin to aid in the evacuation, while others were focused on scouting for a new base location. With the ceremony concluded, the evacuation process began.
Prior to Solo, Chewbacca, and Skywalker's departure, Organa jokingly suggests to the owners of the Millennium Falcon that the Alliance could benefit from the assistance of "a hairy beast and his copilot." Solo clarifies that Chewbacca is the copilot, not him, but Organa simply responds with "I know." She then greets Skywalker, inquiring whether he intends to remain with the Alliance. He confirms his intention to stay for the foreseeable future, although he admits to feeling a sense of unease around the princess. This feeling stems from the comfort Organa provided him after the loss of his mentor, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and his desire to reciprocate that comfort for the loss of her homeworld and family. As Skywalker departs with R2-D2 and C-3PO, Organa notices a solitary female figure in a flight suit, paying her respects to a statue of Organa's parents.

Subsequently, Organa changes into more practical attire and seeks out Admiral Gial Ackbar to request an audience with Dodonna. The Mon Calamari directs her accordingly after reprimanding several Rebel soldiers for their clumsiness. She approaches the General, who is currently examining a 3D holographic map in search of a new base location. He addresses her as Senator Organa, before realizing that, with the Imperial Senate dissolved and Alderaan destroyed, the princess no longer held the title of senator. She informs Dodonna of her desire to take action, even if only to scout for a new base location. However, the General disagrees, stating that the best course of action for her was to grieve her losses, especially considering that the Empire had placed a 10,000,000 credit bounty on her head just hours prior. He declares that the princess will not leave Yavin "under anything less than a full military escort" and dismisses her.
Feeling defeated, Organa departs and briefly encounters Ackbar again. As she continues on, she overhears two Rebel pilots, including the female pilot she had noticed earlier, discussing her. Evaan Verlaine refers to Organa as the "ice princess," prompting Organa to interrupt and dismiss the other pilot. Verlaine bows to Organa, but Organa clarifies that formality is no longer necessary, before asking why she had remained behind after the ceremony. Verlaine mumbles a response that Organa cannot hear, leading to frustration. After persuading Verlaine to reveal her past as a Royalist mentored by Queen Breha, she openly questions why Verlaine respects the throne but not its current holder. Verlaine explains her intention to preserve Alderaan's culture as much as possible, before pledging herself to "Queen Leia Organa of Alderaan." Organa, however, refutes the title of Queen; Verlaine informs her that the Imperials are actively hunting down all surviving Alderaanians throughout the galaxy.

Shortly thereafter, Leia enlists R2-D2's help to record a holographic message apologizing to Dodonna for disobeying his orders and leaving. She then sends the message and a decoy hologram of the astromech droid to the General's quarters while he is asleep. Meanwhile, the trio makes their escape under the cover of darkness in a sleek T-1 shuttle, with the objective of rescuing all remaining Alderaanians from the Empire. Immediately after departing Yavin 4, Organa insists that they be completely honest with each other. Verlaine agrees, but expresses concern that leaving the Alliance's protection is unwise, as Dodonna would risk lives to retrieve her. The princess dismisses her concern and asks the small droid for his opinion. R2-D2 types his response on a screen: "I've got a bad feeling about this."
The next moment, Verlaine spots two X-Wing starfighters, piloted by Skywalker and Wedge Antilles, the only survivors of Red Squadron from the Battle of Yavin, pursuing them. The pilots order them to turn back, but Organa refuses. The fighters attempt to box in the T-1 with a herding maneuver, while Verlaine attempts to evade them. In the process, Verlaine recklessly collides with Antilles' X-wing, damaging the shuttle's alluvial damper. As Organa accuses her pilot of sabotaging the mission due to her disagreement with it, the two fighters retreat, prompting Verlaine to engage the hyperdrive and escape into hyperspace. Verlaine then reveals to a confused Organa that the entire maneuver was a prearranged deception between her and R2. With her perspective shifted, Organa thanks Evaan for her exceptional work and requests that she set course for Naboo.
On September 23, 2015, Marvel re-issued Princess Leia 1 as part of its "True Believers" budget reprint program, which offers reprints of popular comic titles at the suggested retail price of $1.
- UPC 759606081424; March 4 , 2015 ; Marvel Comics [1]
- UPC 759606083824; September 23 , 2015; Marvel Comics; True Believers [5] 00111; Cover A; Terry Dodson, Rachel Dodson