
Rane was a human witch who possessed Force-sensitivity. She belonged to Mother Aniseya's coven, which was based in a fortress situated on the planet of Brendok. Holding the positions of both ensign and advisor, Rane was present at the Rite of Ascension held for Aniseya's twin daughters, Verosha and Mae-ho, in the year 148 BBY. A group of Jedi, concerned about the witches' training methods for the twins, disrupted the aforementioned ceremony. Rane accused the Jedi of intending to abduct the children, an accusation they denied, instead requesting to assess the twins' potential for Jedi training, a request to which Aniseya agreed.

After Verosha decided to undergo the test and expressed her desire to become a Jedi, Rane voiced her opposition to letting the child depart. However, Mother Aniseya opted to respect her child's wishes. Subsequently, two Jedi infiltrated the fortress, leading to Mother Aniseya's death during a confrontation. Following this, Rane, along with other witches in the fortress's common area, performed a spell to control the Wookiee Jedi Kelnacca, compelling him to fight his Jedi allies. When Jedi Master Indara nullified the witches' control over Kelnacca, he inadvertently killed Rane and the other spellcasters.


Singing in the Rane

Rane took part in Verosha and Mae-ho Aniseya's Rite of Ascension.

Serving as both an ensign and advisor, Rane was a Force-sensitive human female who was part of a coven of witches under the leadership of Mother Aniseya on the planet of Brendok. In 148 BBY, Rane, accompanied by fellow Ensign Eurus, walked across the courtyard of the coven's mountain fortress, each carrying staffs, followed by other witches. Simultaneously, the twins Verosha Aniseya and Mae-ho Aniseya, the daughters of Aniseya and Mother Koril, entered the fortress. The children waved to Rane and Eurus, who subsequently exited the courtyard via a set of stone steps.

In preparation for the twins' Rite of Ascension later that night, Rane and numerous other witches congregated near a hole in the mountain at the fortress's base. They participated in a ritual involving synchronized arm movements, orchestrated by Koril. The ritual culminated in the group bowing before Mother Aniseya as she approached from the rear, subsequently making her way through the crowd to commence the rite with a speech. The twins then joined her by the mountain hole, and Koril led Rane and the other witches in song and further arm movements. Mother Aniseya completed the rite for Mae-ho, but before she could do so for Verosha, Eurus and the scout Sarria disrupted the ceremony, warning that a group of Jedi had sliced the fortress's entry platform and were quickly approaching.

When it Ranes it pours

Rane accused the Jedi of trying to steal the coven's children.

The witches then advanced to shield the twins behind them, with Rane positioning herself near the group's rear alongside Eurus. The four Jedi then entered, introduced themselves, and revealed their concerns about the coven's training of children. Initially, Aniseya attempted to conceal the twins' presence, but when the Jedi Kelnacca sensed them within the crowd, Jedi Master Indara requested that they reveal themselves.

Verosha complied, with Mae-ho following after Mother Aniseya granted permission. When Jedi Knight Sol noticed a mark that Mae-ho had received during the rite and pointed out that she did not have it that morning, Koril accused the Jedi of spying, and Rane exclaimed that they were there to steal the children. Sol refuted Rane's accusation and then offered Verosha his lightsaber, inquiring if she wished to be tested to become a Jedi. Mother Aniseya then used the Force to control Indara's Padawan Torbin, demanding that the Jedi leave if they wished for his release. However, after Verosha requested to be tested, Mother Aniseya relented, released Torbin, and agreed that the Jedi could test the twins the following day. Satisfied, the Jedi departed, and Mother Aniseya instructed Koril to gather her advisors, including Rane.

Rane attended a discussion of what to do about the Jedi on Brendok.

Rane and the others convened in the fortress's common room, where Koril proposed an attack on the Jedi that very night. Mother Aniseya insisted that the twins be tested, but Koril objected until Elder Naasa intervened. Rane moved aside to allow Naasa to pass as the elder approached the mothers, emphasizing that the twins would only be taken by the Jedi if they passed the test. Aniseya then instructed Verosha and Mae-ho to intentionally fail the test, but Verosha chose to disregard her mothers' wishes and passed.

Rane on her parade

Rane objected to Verosha Aniseya joining the Jedi.

Rane was seated with Eurus in the common room as the twins reported the test results to Mother Aniseya and Koril, with Verosha confessing her desire to become a Jedi rather than a witch. Mother Aniseya pledged to consider Verosha's wishes and then dismissed her, after which Rane and the other witches present stood to discuss what action should be taken regarding Verosha with Mother Aniseya.

Rane immediately protested Verosha's departure, arguing that she was too young to fully comprehend her own power and that the decision was not hers to make. In response, Mother Aniseya questioned whether it was justifiable to disregard Verosha's wishes and make the choice for her, prompting Rane to accuse her of prioritizing a child's desires over the coven's future. Despite this, Mother Aniseya chose to honor her daughter's wishes.

Rane drops

Meanwhile, Mother Koril had instructed the other witches outside the common room to arm themselves, and Sol and Torbin had infiltrated the fortress in an attempt to rescue the twins. Aniseya exited the room, but she was killed by Sol during an encounter in the courtyard. Following this, Rane and the other witches in the common room performed a spell to seize control of Kelnacca when he entered the fortress, mirroring Aniseya's previous control of Torbin.

Rane was killed when Indara broke the coven's spell controlling Kelnacca.

Entering a trance-like state, Rane and the others sat, murmuring a chant while swaying with their palms raised and their eyes completely black. Kelnacca battled Sol and Torbin until Indara arrived and used the Force to break free of the witches' control. This action resulted in the death of Rane and the other witches casting the spell, causing them to collapse into lifeless heaps. Subsequently, after Sol rescued Verosha from a fire within the fortress, she observed Rane's corpse as she and the Jedi escaped.

Personality and traits

Rane opposed Verosha joining the Jedi, prioritizing the coven's future above the child's personal desires. The ensign possessed light skin, brown hair, and brown eyes.


Rane wore green robes over a brown shirt, adorned with a copper-colored pentagonal emblem on a necklace, and also carried a staff. During the twins' Rite of Ascension, Rane wore a ceremonial purple cloak with gold trim.

Behind the scenes

Auditioning and building a character

Rane made her debut in "Destiny," the third episode of the television series The Acolyte, which was broadcast on Disney+ on June 11, 2024. Amy Tsang portrayed the character, and although Rane's name was not spoken in the episode, it was credited. Tsang submitted an audition tape for the role, using dummy sides for a different character, after her friend Jeff King, an executive producer on the series, noticed her in an independent film and suggested that she would be well-suited for Rane. She learned that she had been cast in the role three months after the audition and began filming two weeks later in London.

Tsang received limited information about the character and was initially only provided with a codename. She researched previous depictions of witches in Star Wars but felt that they differed from Aniseya's coven, so she also drew inspiration from out-of-universe witchcraft and films such as The Craft. Receiving only the scripts for her scenes, she used material from the art team, including costume, hair, and makeup designs, to understand the character from the outside in. Costume designer Jennifer Bryan was highly specific with the design for each individual witch. Rane's costume was very structured with a high neck, causing Tsang to stand straight and thus informing how she moved around in the world.

Movement and filming

Movement coach Alex Reynolds collaborated with Tsang to assist her in embodying the character, encouraging her to connect with nature by walking through a park in winter and developing a broader peripheral vision. The actress also compiled a playlist to immerse herself in Rane's mindset, listening to it on her way to work each day, and found that the costume was also helpful. Tsang also had the opportunity to speak with showrunner Leslye Headland about the character before filming her first scene and has stated that discussions with episode director Kogonada also contributed to shaping Rane. Tsang primarily describes Rane as a noble character who is protective of both the twins and her coven, seeking to live in peace. She perceives the character as siding more with Mother Koril than Mother Aniseya.

Tsang and the other witch actors filmed the Ascension Ceremony scenes first, rehearsing for days with a pre-composed song for the chant playing in the background during the rehearsal. These shoots occurred outdoors on an almost entirely practical set, and at one point, they shot under a full moon. Each witch moved in a unique way that Reynolds personally developed with Tsang for Rane, and various images and movements were presented to the cast for inspiration, including concepts from African tribal dances.

On the final day of filming, Mother Aniseya actress Jodie Turner-Smith recorded a TikTok video of Rane and the other witches dancing in costume on a production phone, although it has not yet been released. Tsang and the other witch actors each had their own backstories for their characters beyond what was depicted on screen, and she has expressed her desire to portray the character again in a prequel series.

