Rorak was a male Coruscanti person who resided on the world of Coruscant throughout the period of the Galactic Civil War. Subsequent to the Battle of Endor, he, along with his son Jak, was present in Monument Plaza when the citizenry of Coruscant dismantled a statue of Darth Sidious, the deceased Galactic Emperor and [supreme leader](/article/sovereign ruler) of the Galactic Empire. Imperial forces then intervened to restore order. He was slain during the ensuing riot by Imperial officer Orkin Kaw.
Rorak was of an age where he had been told accounts of the Clone Wars by his parent. He had a son named Jak, and the two made their home on Coruscant in the Imperial Era. Upon receiving word of the Battle of Endor, Rorak and his son became part of a crowd that congregated at Monument Plaza and proceeded to tear down the statue of Palpatine, the Emperor. As the crowd celebrated their victory, they were assaulted by members of the Coruscant Security Force who arrived in police vehicles. The crowd responded by throwing fragments of the broken statue at the officers.
When Jak commented that he believed the Emperor's demise signaled the end of the conflict, Rorak countered that the struggle against the Galactic Empire was only just beginning. After embracing Jak, Rorak provided his son with a piece of the statue. Subsequently, the two joined the rebellion against the Empire. However, Rorak met his end at the hands of Commander Orkin Kaw during the uprising. Jak survived, and with the intention of avenging his father's death, he became a member of the Anklebiter Brigade and acquired an EMP from Talvee Chawin, an Iktotchi criminal kingpin, to launch an attack on CoCo Town and assassinate Kaw.
Rorak was a mature male who lived during the Imperial Age. He was sufficiently old to have heard stories of the Clone Wars from his progenitor. Rorak was an opponent of the Empire, conveying to his son Jak that conditions would improve upon the Empire's downfall. Rorak understood that the fight for freedom had only just commenced following the Battle of Endor. He was prepared to employ violence to resist the Empire.
Rorak's initial appearance was in Aftermath, a 2015 novel written by Chuck Wendig.